Broken Before You

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Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I continued repeating the girl, that spoke to me in my mind earlier, words.

A tear fell down my cheek like the other thousand that have fallen in the last couple minutes. I picked up my pencil again trying to finish my map without any disruptions again- or another panic attack like the one I had just moments ago. The pencil scratched against the piece of paper while I copied off from my notebook onto the new, fresh piece of paper. I have always hated drawing my maps, the worst part of this job in my opinion, right now though, I find rather calming. I find it peaceful and relaxing, which is odd since all these maps have ever given me while I attempted drawing them in the past was stress and anger.

I continue drawing and thinking about random thoughts or any thoughts that did not consist of the griever, those memories, and now, Gally.

No matter how hard I tried to distract myself, it all kept coming back like someone kept pushing a replay button in my head. There was a pain in my chest that tightened around my heart and lungs every time I took a breathe. The pain was unbearable.

I wish I wasn't in this stupid maze. I wish I never met any of these slintheads. I wish Gally never said those words. I wish I never even met Gally! I wish this would stop! Everything just stop!

A knock sounded from the door to the runners hut, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked up and set my pencil down, whipping my tears from my cheeks, I sat there silently in hope they would leave. Another couple of knocks sounded again. An impatient sigh came from the other side when I once again didn't answer.

"I have looked everywhere and your nowhere which means this is the last place I have to look until I report a missing persons report. Please, if you are in there open up." Gally's voice sounded broken and like he as well had been crying. I didn't answer. "I know you are. I can hear your sniffling." He continued.

Shit. I've been caught.

"No. No one's in here." I said loudly enough for him to hear on the other side.

"Finley... I'm sorry. Just open the door please so we can talk." He said sadly.

"No, there is nothing to talk about." He tried to open the door, it didn't budge.

"Did you lock the door?"

"No... I put a chair in front of it." I deadpanned.

"Finley... There is something we need to talk about and if you won't open up this door, then I will talk to you from here." He told me, "I am so sorry, Finley, for everything I said. I did not mean any of it." He explained.

"If you didn't mean it, then why did you say it?" I asked.

"Because I was mad at myself. I thought I had lost you again and I was mad that I let you go back into the maze when I could have stopped you."

"Could have stopped me?" I snickered. "You could not stop me. It's my job, Gally."

"I know, I know... Me trying to stop you from running would be like someone trying to stop me from building. It would not end well." He sighed. "I am just scared to lose you, again."

"Again?" I asked.

"Yeah... before you came here to the maze, I was... I was stung... I didn't listen to one of the most important rules there are in the glade and I stepped out into the maze." He sniffled, he was crying. "The griever came out of nowhere. Luckily, I was able to get back to the glade. And I went through the changing afterwards. I got a few memories back. There was one memory in specific, you were in it."

Promises That Won't Last ☆ Gally - TMRTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon