The talk with charlie

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Erin pov

When i arrived at charlies he was surprised to see that i actually showed up to his house. He asked what i needed. I told charlie i need him to get rid of someone for me and that i will tell him when it was the right time he agreed and than i left. I had a feeling that charlie will do the job right some what but he would also get me fired at the same time and everyone will turn there backs on me if that was to happen i will not let that happen.

Charlie pov

When erin asked me if we could meet up i was shocked that she actually wanted to talk ever since she became a cop she has hated me. I was even more shocked that she actually showed up but what had shocked me most was when she asked if i could get rid of someone for her. When erin had asked me to get rid of someone for her i knew voight had to be involved or she would not have asked me to do it or she would have done it herself. I agreed but until i know what it is i will not tell the cops yet i will record everything from know on and when the tine is right i will go to the cops i just have to wait fir the time to be right whatever that means until than i have to be prepared.

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