Chapter 10 - The Dancing Swan

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It was breakfast time in the Great Hall. Cho and the other Ravenclaw girls were gossiping and messing around with Harry. Ruby studied reading her potion book while taking notes, comparing her notes to her father's. Her mind kept wondering to the 2nd task and what it could.

The school elves walk up to the table and put down at least 5 boxes in front of Ruby. She says her gratitude to them while they walk away. Ruby looks through one of the boxes with Cho, Luna and the other girls peering over.

Ruby pulls out a elegant blue dress; with silver rindstones and feathers at the hem of the dress. The girls looked in amazement.

"Oh my...Ruby that dress is stunning. But, what is it for? Your mother's Christmas ball?" Cho asks

"I'm not sure. Oh, there is the card." Ruby states as Luna reads it.

"To my amazing, daughter Ruby. The dresses I have presented to you is for the Yule Ball. The same ball me, your father and Ryan have attended when we were younger. I'm proud of you doing well in the tournament. I am fearful for your safety, but I know you well. I miss you so much and know I love you. Love, your loving mother."

"Yule Ball? As in a dance?" Mandy questions

"I believe that's exactly what it is. But like Ms. Langston said, we will know what it is." Cho says as she helps pick up a box to take to Ruby's dorm.

"These dresses do look very pretty. It's ashame you'll wear just one." Luna said as she carries a box.

"Yeah, but whatever I don't wear I'll just give one to someone who doesn't have a dress."

"Also how is your leg, Ruby? It does have a nasty scratch." Mandy asks curiously

"It's fine. I'm not in anymore pain, really. All I can do is hope it heals without any problems." Ruby says

The bell rings and the students are off to class.


Between their classes, the students of each house were called to meet with their head of house to talk about the Yule Ball. They decided to combine houses. Gryffindors with Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw with Slytherins.

Ruby's house sat on the left side of the room and Slytherin sat on the right side of the room. The houses whispers to their peers as the professors didn't show up yet.

"Ruby, Malfoy is staring at you." Mandy whispers to her.

Ruby's eyebrow raises as she looks to the Slytherin side and sees the blonde boy staring at her. A smirk comes over his face as he winks. This catches the girls attention as they giggle. The corners of Ruby's mouth tug and form a light smile. She looks away and looks down.

Snape walks in the room, his cloak flowing in the air around him as walks. He silences the room as Professor Flitwick walks in.

"'ll be learning the dance for the Yule Ball." Snape sneered.

"The Yule Ball is a dance. It was a tradition of the Tri-Wizard tournament for our guests and our school to celebrate together on Christmas Eve. We must be well-mannered and put on our best dancing shoes." Flitwick says gleefully

"Now. We want to provide a demonstration for the dance. So we'll be picking two students from a house to help."

"Umm...Ruby Langston, please step forward." Flitwick instructed

"Mr. Malfoy, please stand up and meet Ms. Langston." Snape instructed.

Draco and Ruby stood in the middle. Draco takes her hand and plants a kiss to the back of it. She catches his smirk and slightly blushes at the eye contact. Giggles and chuckles filled the room.

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