002. only tomorrow

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The next day at school Meiko approached Langa, and I was just close enough to witness it all. It went as bad as I expected it to go.

Meiko was practically spewing out random English words and I had to interfere. Bowing slightly with an apologetic look on my face I pulled her away from him.

"That will be one book for me", I sing as I hop around the cafeteria.

"Fine", she sighs. "Which book?"

"Exhalation: the stories, Ted Chiang," I smirk as I remind her of another fact. "In English, please."

I, on the other hand thrived in English. Well, at least in the English classes the school had to offer. It was just easy vocabulary and some basic grammar.

"Hurry up, exchange student!" Some guys were gathered at the window shouting at Reki and Langa. Meiko and I watch as the two of them try to skate away from the school's authority.

I give Meiko a weird look, and she gives me one back. When we expected something different on this island it definitely wasn't this. But, something was changing and that was enough to satisfy us.

The door of the restaurant goes open with the ring of a bell. Italian restaurant, our favorite place to eat. Okinawa has a variety of places because of the tourists.

The owner of the restaurant is Kojiro Nanjo, a green-haired man. The moment we walk in we see him arguing with a customer. But he's not just a customer, it's Kaoru Sakurayashiki. The owner of the calligraphy place.

"Hey! Kojiro!" Meiko shouts as she waves her arms. We've been here countless times, it's like a second home.

"Take a seat, doesn't matter where", he says, pausing the argument with the pink-haired customer.

"5 star customer service as always." Meiko mocks and pulls the chair away from the table. We turn to the quarrelling men and sigh.

"By the way, was your idea of trying to speak to Langa just throwing some random English words we learnt at him?" I tease.

It was honestly too funny and I would've let it go on even longer if Langa wasn't constantly looking at me. It was a silent cry for help, knowing that I was a friend of Meiko.

"But, he must have understood something," Meiko laughed. She really is hopeless.

"Hey, Meiko and (y/n). My favorite duo!" Kojiro greets. "We're also the only duo you know." Meiko adds.

"Why are you arguing with him? You've never met him", I ask, but he waves it away.

"It's nothing, Kaoru is just annoying the crap out of me."

"I need your opinion Kojiro, (Y/n) and I made a bet. It's about if I can hold a conversation that is longer than two minutes with the new guy at our school." Meiko tells.

"Why not? It's not that hard to hold a conversation with someone. Especially with the opposite gender." Kojire smirks as he wiggles his eyebrows. What a player...

"She forgot the most important detail," I interrupt. "It's in English because the guy is half-Canadian and lived in Canada."

Kojiro bursts out in laughter. "No way! You mean she is going to-" He can't even finish his sentence because of his laughing.

"It's not my fault he can't understand what I'm saying." Meiko mutters.

"It is, in fact, your fault."

"Okay (Y/n)! I'll show you! One day he and I will be able to hold a conversation."

when you sleep , sk8 the infinityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora