How to hide your new body parts

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if you are going out in public and need to hide your new body parts here's how! 

for your ears you cant just have them out, and say "oh these are fake". your ears will have replaced your human ears. people wont really think its a headband and will find you kind of weird. you would have to wear a hat.

 like a beanie is a good option. if you can bend your ears like a cats or dogs then adjust the ears to be comfortable in the beanie. if you cant really bend them then just try your best and try to for them to go down.  another good option is a hoodie! you can easily hide them in that! you may need a bit bigger hoodie though. you would then again adjust the ears to be comfortable in the hoodie. and the pull the strings (if your hoodie has them) if they are still a bit visible. although a  hoodie is a great option, you cant really do this in the summer. unless you live in a colder climate or your just used to the heat like me. be careful to not get to the point where you pass out from the heat though, you tail and ears have fur and scales that can heat you up and that might be too much for the summer. another option is your hair! (note this only works if you have poofy curly hair like me) again adjust your ears and then fluff up your hair and then try to cover your ears! 

this is not a good option though considering the wind can blow your hair and people can pull your hair.  so the best option is the beanie! you can wear it in summer and not burn up and wear it in winter.  just make sure to get a big one!

for your tail I wouldnt recommend to have it out too. people can easily pull it and take you away.  if you move your tail  on accident and someone notices then they will think your weird. the tail is kind of hard to hide, so you have to find the best option for you. very baggy jeans is a good option. they may itch and annoy you but you will be thankful that your tail is hidden. although when its summer it can get really annoying. you would have to put your tail in one of the leg hole thingy's. doesnt matter which one. it may look a big weird if your tail is bigger and wider than normal like the reptiles. big baggy sweat pants is another great option! my favorite personally. they are comfy and you can wear them in summer sometimes! again just put your tail in one of the leg hole things. but make sure that you cut a hole in your underwear for your tail to go through! you may have to do that to your home clothes as well. 

You could also use elision magic! Illusion magic is where you use illusions to hide things. I dont know much about this stuff though so please correct me if I'm wrong! You would have to practice it a lot though so you get really good at it. Although, one thing to consider is that your body parts will still be there. But invisible. So I would be very careful when doing this.

Next you could do  something that might hurt a little. For your ears you could try to fold them back. This may hurt a bit but if you have to do this then do it. For your tail you would have to wrap it around you waist if its flexible enough. A cats tail would do best for this. You would only have to do this if you tail is more than 7 inches. anything lower you do not need to do this. But if you tail is any higher that that then go ahead. 

To summarize this. Baggy clothing is a good idea but its not that effective, illusion magic would probably be the best option.

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