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Luke's P.O.V.

Loud noises. Getting louder, and louder. What the fuck is that? Make it go off. It's not going off. Then I realize, it's my alarm. It's the first day of school. My last first day of college. I would rather die in a hole. But I manage to bring myself from my bed, turning off the loud obnoxious sound of my alarm. Making my way to the shower, I grab a towel off the side of my bed and a pair of clothes for the day. I should probably look somewhat nice on my first day, first impressions and all. Apparently professors care about those, but as my last year I don't. But I do it anyways. Black skinny jeans with a black shirt with an LA logo to the left, and my grey beanie with a pom pom on the back. Everyone always made fun of the pom pom, but they can say what they want, I like it. 

The first days of school were always the worst to me. Or the first day back from Christmas vacation. It was like your brain was so used to being on vacation it was still gone, or that how it was for me. It's always taken me awhile to get back into the flow of things, even when I was in grade school. Man were those the days, it was easier back then. Now teachers just pile you down with shit and expect you to do it all in a matter of days. Unlike them we have lives thank you. Just as I take my seat for lunch in the far corner of the cafeteria, Stacy Brooks comes over with her flashing smile.

She was the popular girl on campus. Cheer captain, honor student, and one of the top proffesors daughter. She got everything she wanted, except for me. When it came to Stacy Brooks she wasn't my type. Sure she was pretty, but she was far too into herself. She was a grade A bitch, but put on the acts of an innocent angel. The only person her acts fooled was her father, no one else bought it.

"What do you want Stacy?" I spit before she even speaks.

"You know what I want" she says in the fakest voice I've ever heard.

"Unfortunetly" I choke. 

"Come on, I'm captain of the cheer squad. Everyone wants to go out with me. Why not you?"

"Maybe because I'm not like everyone else?" I laugh, raising a brow at her.

"That's what I like about you" she grins, leaning over the table to show some clevage.

"Your boobs are out."

"You don't like it?" She winks.

"I think I'm gonna go" I say in a hushed tone, grabbing my lunch and walking past Stacy.

"You're gonna regret this, Hemmings!" She shouts from behind me.

"Doubt it!" I laugh, exciting the cafeteria and heading toward the picnic tables.


My last class of the day was on the opposite end of campus. Why they fucking thought I could cross campus in ten minutes was beyond me. It was like an obstacle course, weaving in and out of people, going through buildings and up two flights of stairs. I was just about to enter the building when someone stopped me.

"Luke? What's up man!" He patted me on the back.

"Ty, hey man" I smiled, giving him one of those manly handshakes. 

Ty and I had been friends for a little over a year now. Last year at one of the frat parties, I met him when we ended up teaming up to play a round of beer pong with a few of the guys. Our team had one and after that we became best buds. I hadn't seen him all summer as he had gone on some European trip with his family. He was fun to party with, but the dude never knew when to shut up. 

"Boy, you sure do know how to pick 'em" he laughs, hopping on his feet.

"Pick what?" I laugh, even though I'm lost.

"I saw Stacy Brooks talking to you earlier. She's a hot one."

"Oh yeah, that. I turned her away" I chuckle.

"You turned Stacy Brooks away?" His jaw drops.

"She's been after me forever. She's an air head though, the princess goody two-shoes thing is an act" I shrug.

"Man, everyone knows that. They just want to hit it if you know what I mean" he laughs.

"Unfortunetly I do" I let out, wishing he'd go away already.

"Speaking of, nice choice at the party the other night. That girl was HOT!" He shouts, raising his fist in the air.

"What girl...?" I ask, confused once again. Ty had a way of doing that. 

"The girl at the party man! The blonde? You two were all over each other?" 

"What blonde?" I ask again. Now I'm even more confused. 

"That girl that's always with your one friend. What's his name? Ashton! She's always with him" he tells me. I try to think but I don't recall Ashton having a blonde-headed friend.

"I really don't know who you're talking about. But I didn't go home with anyone saturday, are you sure it was me?" I ask, knowing Ty he probably confused me with somene else.

"I saw you two walk out man, it was you. I know it. You were on the couch with her and then Ashton left, and after a few drinks you two had your mouths glued together."

Oh no. The room is spinning, I think I'm gonna be sick. It's all coming back to me now. The beer. The vodka. All the shots, the jello shots. The kissing, the touching. I remember. I can't believe I let this happen. I panic, and I grab a fist full of his shirt, pushing him to the wall.

"Ty, you better not be fucking with me!" I growl in his face.

"Woah, woah, woah dude! I swear I'm not lying!" he says in defense.

"You said she was blonde, are you sure it was us?" I growl again. I need to make sure he's not lying or has me mistaken with someone else. I have to know before I find her. 

"Yes man, you coudln't keep your hands off each other even as you left! It was you, I swear" he says. I relax my fist, letting go of his shirt and pulling him from the wall.

"Sorry man" I mumble, my head swirling. I feel sick again.

"It's cool. But you clearly have business to take care of so.." he trails off, padding me on the back before heading out of the building. 

I need to find her. I need to tell her. It's the last class, fuck I can't skip on the first day. But it's like an hour, I'm gonna go insane. I groan in frustration, pulling my beanie over my face before pulling it back up again. How could I have let this happen? How could I have done this? Oh no...no no no! I hold my hand over my mouth as I rush to the closest trash can, leaning over to empty the contents of my stomach. My lunch now laid out in front of me in a pile of mush. I find a bathroom to clean myself up before trying to remember where Monica said she'd be. Literature! If I'm right that's two buildings over. I need to talk to her before someone says something. I need to find her before it gets to Ashton somehow.

My feet hit the pavement with a certain amount of force as I race to the building she's in, or at least I hope. I weave between people, picnic tables and two trees. I swing the door open, I can only hope I'm in the right place. There's two floors, 5 classes on each level. Peeking into the window of each class, I scan the room for Monica. Not in the first one, or second, or third. I make my way to the second floor, not the first class. Not the second either. Damnit where is she! When I look into the last class room I see her just as the door shuts, I'm about to get her attention but then I see Ashton sitting next to her. Fuck! I forgot they had a class together. I turn around, pulling the beanie off my head as I pull and tug at the roots. Shit, shit, shit! My hands begin to tremble as I try to think of what to do next. I can't make it to my last class now, so what's the point. I huff, pulling my beanie back on my head before leaving the building.

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