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My head is pounding, and I feel like throwing up. I roll over, realizing I'm back in my room. I'm not even sure how I got back here. My vision is blurry as I see Ashton laying next to me, he must of brought me back. That's the only thing I can think of, seeing as I can't remember anything after he left. I wonder how late we stayed out? 

Groaning, I reach for the bottle of water by my bed. I gulp the entire thing within seconds, suddenly feeling sick again. I wonder what Ashton remembers? Or if he remembers anything. My feet drag as I make my way to the bathroom, only to throw up whatever was in my stomach the night before. I jump in the shower, letting the cold water fall over me for a long time. I wasn't sure what helped with a hangover, but the cold water made the throbbing in my head feel better. Ashton was still fast asleep when I got out, he must have had a longer night than me.

I look at my phone, it's half past one.Slowly, I pull myself to Ashton. His blonde hair sticking out from under the covers. Wrapping my arms around him, I kiss his bare shoulder in attempt to wake him up. He groans, shuffling in his sleep but he doesn't wake up. I nuzzle myself in his neck, kissing him softly along his jaw. Was I just tired, or did his jaw feel different? I am hungover, so it could be that.

"Baby.." I sing, "time to get up." A loud moan emits from his mouth, his limbs slowly moving under the covers. "Come on Ashton" I laugh. Just as I speak his name, his body stops. I wonder what's wrong, but that's quickly answered when he rolls over, pulling the covers from his face. I scream, quickly throwing myself from the bed and onto the floor. 

"MONICA?" he shouts.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed, Luke?" 

"I wish I could answer that, but I have no idea!" He screams, struggling to get his pants back on.

"Fuck...we didn't....did we.." I start to hyperventilate, I couldn't have cheated on Ashton.

"Just because we were in bed, doesn't mean we did it" he demanded.

"But why are you naked?" I shout, pointing as his upper half is still bare.

"I wish I could answer that too!" He huffs.

"Oh god, where's Ashton?" I ask, pacing my room before checking my phone.

"Stop asking me things I don't know!" He screams.

"Would you stop fucking yelling at me! I'm just as confused as you are!" I scream back before falling to the floor. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he says quickly as he rushes over to me.

"Please don't touch me right now!" I shout, pulling myself back til I hit my night stand.

"I'm sorry. I just.." he groans, pulling at the roots of his hair. "I'm scared. I have no idea what happened last night."

"Me either. All I remember is Ashton leaving, then it's kind of a blur.." I trail off, trying to remember what happened.

"That's all I remember too.." he sighs, falling to the floor. 

"I feel so horrible" I whisper, and then just like that I break down. Tears spilling over my cheeks as I try to breathe. 

"We're going to figure this out okay, I'm sure nothing happened." He tries to assure me, but I can tell in his eyes he doesn't believe what he's saying either. 

"How can you be so sure? We don't even remember!" I shout, covering my face with my hands.

"Monica. We are Ashton's two best friends. I know we don't know, but that doesn't mean something happened. We will figure it out though, okay? Just calm down-" he cuts off just as my phone rings.  I reach to grab it from my night stand, my heart pounding as I read the caller I.D.

"Shit, it's Ashton" I let out, covering my mouth.

"Fuck! You have to answer it!" He shouts.

"Shit, okay" I sigh, taking a few deep breathes before pulling the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I ask nervously.

"Hey babe. I'm so sorry about last night, I did not think it would take that long."

"Oh, that's okay. Where did you have to go anyways?" I ask.

"You know Michael? Well he got himself wasted again and he can't get in trouble again for public intoxication. So he called me to help him, but of course when I got there I couldn't find him and then he kept running off. I couldn't just leave him" he huffed with anger.

"Again? He really doesn't learn does he" I roll my eyes.

"No he doesn't. But I'm so sorry, I'm on my way there right now."

"Here?!" I scream, quickly jumping from the floor. Luke stands up, his eye brows furrowing as he stares blankly at me.

"Yeah, you are at your dorm right?" 

"Yes. Of course. Where else would I be" I chuckle, then slap myself in the face. I'm clearly not good with playing it cool.

"Are you okay, babe?" He asks.

"I'm fine, just uh. Just a little hungover is all.." I trail off, pulling on the roots of my hair.

"You? Wow you really did let go didn't you" he laughs.

"Yeah I guess" I fake a laugh. This is not funny, be can't know that.

"Luke took care of you?" 

"Yeah, he's here now actually." I spit out before I even think about it.

"He stayed over?" He asks. 

"Yeah, he uh..." I hesitate. "Oh god.." I chunk the phone to Luke before running to the bathroom.

"I think she had to go throw up' I hear Luke chuckle into the phone. "Yeah we'll see you when you get here man" he says again. "Are you okay?" He shouts.

"I'm fine" I mumble, wiping off my mouth.

"Ashton will be here in a minute. He said he wants to sleep." 

Our eyes both fall to the bed. Lukes clothes on one side, mine on the other. The covers are a mess, both of us rushing to fix it. We pull the covers back, making it look like we didn't sleep in the same bed. I toss Luke an extra blanket and pillow, which he throws on the floor next to the bed before swiftly picking up his clothes and putting them all back on. Double checking the room for any evidence at all, a knock at the door stops me in my tracks. There's only one person that could be. Ashton.

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