"I just wanted to apologize for how I acted yesterday, I know it wasn't easy for you to witness that." He apologized once again, even though he had already apologized for it last night too.

"It's fine, you don't have to continuously apologize for it."

"I just don't want you to feel insecure or anything. Like I told you Sona and I were best friends long before I fell for her, that wasn't me just crying for the girl I once loved, it was me crying about my best friend too.

Everything about losing her has been so hard and I'm not trying to make any excuse here, I just want you to know, even though she's gone, there will be mentions about her, she was a big part of my life and my family, but that shouldn't make you think that I would stop feeling what I feel for you or anything like that." He said as he looked me into the eyes, I know he was being honest and he was trying to communicate, that has been the best part of our relationship, but I don't know why I found it somewhat difficult to believe him.

"Something is bothering you, tell me." He said.

"How do you do that? Read me like that?"

"I just do... come on, let it out."

"Okay... honestly I'm just worried Arnav, as to what future we have together. Look I am really trying to understand that Sona was important to you and I get it, I really do, but It also makes me wonder whether you have actually moved on from her or you're just lying to yourself.

At this point in our relationship, I am really scared to lose you and I just feel that one day you're going to realize that you still love Sona and..." I couldn't even finish the sentence, I was at the verge of crying.

Oh why did I have to fall for him before he fell for me. What happens now? How do we move forward from here?

"Hey, don't think that way please. Okay look, let me ask you a question, it's just hypothetical okay. So put yourself in my position, think of how you are best friends with Manvi, now imagine losing her. Would you ever be able to heal from it?" He asked.

"It's different Arnav."

"How is that different Khushi?"

"I love Manvi but I am not in love with her, you were in love with Sona!" I almost screamed, but then I realized we were on the road and I didn't want attention from people around so I lowered my voice.

"Please don't do this Khushi, I am really trying to make us work, I am doing everything I can, please just trust me a bit. I wouldn't have asked you to be with me if I wasn't sure, I would never do that, so just give me time, I know I am not in love with you now, but I know someday I am going to be, because whatever I feel towards you is so strong and I wish I could show it to you or do anything to make you believe me... all I am asking for is trust please."

"And I am really trying to trust you Arnav, I really am, but deep down I am worried that I might lose you." He was right, but so was I and I didn't know how to make this work if I was just going to be so insecure the whole time.

"What should I do to make you believe me then?"

"I don't know..." I shrugged, we continued walking silently for a couple more minutes, this relationship was getting difficult day by day, I know it wasn't going to be all roses and stuff but I just needed to feel secure.

"Okay... umm, come for dinner at my house tonight?" He asked.

"How is that going to help Arnav?"

"You've met my family, they all know you, but I'll tell them about us and that we're together, will that help you feel secure and trust me? I am not going to leave or break your heart Khushi, I promise." He held my hand into his and looked me into the eyes trying to assure me.

"Okay." I nodded. Maybe this was going to help, maybe I had to stop overthinking about Sona and him and maybe he was right, he wouldn't break my heart.

"Great, should I pick you up or you'll drive?"

"I'll drive, just come outside to get me when I arrive, I'll be a bit shy." I bit my lower lip nervously making him laugh.

"Shy of what? My mom was practically trying to fix us up, I'm sure she will be overjoyed to know her plan worked."

"I know... but still, it's a bit awkward."

"Okay don't worry, I'll come to receive you outside, happy now?"

"Very." I giggled. Finally, after talking with him, I felt way relaxed and better, I was so glad he showed up here and talked to me otherwise I would have spent the whole day just worrying about everything.

"Anyway, I have to get to work and I'm sure you have work too, so I'll see you in the evening?" He smiled.

"Sure." I nodded.

He walked me back to my office and then left for work from there while I got back to work. Manvi was going to be so mad for me for running away earlier today, she was so excited for my date and I didn't even give her any details about it.


As soon as I got home in the evening, I found Manvi eagerly waiting for me and as expected, at first she cursed me for leaving early and not telling her about the date and everything and when she was done with her tantrums, she made me sit down with her and I had to tell her every single detail I could remember about the date.

She sat there listening to me keenly and giving me reactions about everything I said, it was quite funny actually.

She gasped out so loud when I got to the part where Darshan came and then sang a song for us, she couldn't even believe it and she was like I was making it all up until I had to show her the photo I took with him and also the one both Arnav and I took of him which made her believe me.

I didn't tell her what happened afterwards though, I still didn't know how to explain things about Sona to her and anyway Arnav and I had talked about it so it was okay, and that's why I decided not to mention it to her.

Once she was sure she had all the details, she finally let me go freshen up and get ready for the dinner at Arnav's place.

I was really nervous about it, I don't even know why, I knew they all liked me and like Arnav said, his mom was literally fixing us up so I didn't even have to be worried about them not liking me, still I was just nervous for no reason in particular.

I took a quick shower and then spent like ten minutes just deciding on what to wear, and then ended up putting on just my usual jean and top, they knew me, they knew what I dressed like and everything so I wasn't going to do something too much.

Once I was ready I walked out in the hall trying to find Manvi but she had disappeared suddenly, she didn't even tell me she was leaving. Anyway I locked the house and left for Arnav's house.

I texted him when I was about to reach so he would wait outside for me and like he promised, he was out there waiting for me when I arrived so I parked my car and the walked out and looked at him with a smile.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." I nodded, he held my hand as we both headed inside the house.

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