Chapter 2

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"Well, I have finished arranging the first rack. What about you?" Dave asked me while towering me beside the first rack where I was arranging the books. I feel small whenever I stand near him. Well, is not like I am short, he just grew a bit taller. I know it's the same meaning. What I can do for being this short. I'm 156 cm and he is just 182 cm. God, I hate standing beside him.  Dave is not like other guys. He likes to work out but he doesn't like to eat healthy foods. He likes shopping but I hate shopping. Yeah, we are vise versa in this matter. He always takes care of me like a brother. I still remember when Dave punch Mathew's face (high school bully) when he tries to bully me. I love Dave for always taking care of me. Even though he is tall and muscular with his jet black hair, he is still the cute little boy who loves to play hide and seek with me.

"Again? Why are you always daydreaming Hena? When are you going to stop this?"

I frown at him. " What you expect me? I'm exhausted. We skipped the last class to arrange the books and I haven't taken my lunch yet. My mom hasn't called me so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna stay another day at your place. Plus, it's just us cleaning the library. Where the hell are that twins?" I don't even remember what I said.

"Woah, calm down woman. I think you are hungry right now thats why you are acting like this. Let me get something for you to eat from the cafe. Okay? chill. Everything gonna be just fine" Dave gave me a tight smile and gave me a short hug before leaving me in the library.

I was arranging the book according to the call numbers when I heard someone open the middle door of the library. The library was pretty big with all the facilities that students need. The first section contains computers and printing facilities. The second section is the big section of all. This is where all the shelves are placed according to the course subjects. And the third section contains tables, chairs, and also Mr.Erikson's office.

I thought it was Dave who came from the cafe. But the cafe is pretty far from the library. I raised my head to see who was it, and my eyes widened when I saw the twins. Even though I have seen twins before, these guys are a bit different, to be honest.

They both looked flawless. They were just like the characters in any book. Tall, handsome, well built body for an early 20 and charming. They have golden blond hair, long eyelashes, nice jawlines, long legs. They have every aspect to become the Kelvin Clein models. One of the twins saw me catching a glance at them. I try to avoid them when one of them waves at me. I didn't know what to do so I smiled at them and avert my gaze. He must've thought I was drooling over him but I wasn't. Right?

Seeing them brings back my memories of the morning's incident.

Earlier on that day...

Dave and I were walking to the cafe after we finished our 2 1/2 hour class. It was kinda boring though. I asked Dave to take the notes because I was busy texting my father asking about his day. My father, Ajay Sharma works in New York as the managing director of a magazine company. So, he only comes back home for the holidays. I miss him so badly.

So back to the story, when we pass the library, Dave said he needs to find Walter Cronkite's autobiography book. He is one of the well-known journalists and Dave admired him a lot. As I said yes, we enter the library. 

This was the moment when we first saw the twins. I have never seen them before. They might be some new transfer students. They were sitting in the resting area where students and lecturers can read newspapers and magazines. Some girls were gossiping about them, it was very clear that they were talking about the twins because they were literally eye-raping them.  I know they are handsome like some kind of Greek Gods but this is too much. The twins didn't even look at them because they might be used to this kind of thing. Their Rolex watch and branded clothes show that they are super-duper rich. 

The Life of an (Extra) Ordinary GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ