18. Not His Usual Type

Start from the beginning

"Can I come?" Joel asked. "I love terrorising the little rascals."

"They'll love that. Alyssa, he's been a regular visitor since he first met them. They love making him play Just Dance, and Rebekah always makes him wear her princess crown." 

Alyssa laughed.  She really couldn't wait to meet her nieces.  It was their father she was worried about facing again. 

"Come on. Let's go, we can order a pizza in or something," Joel said.  They all agreed and after quickly tidying up the popcorn, they headed out.  Sienna and Alyssa got into the Mercedes, Joel into his Ford Focus.

They made the short drive back to Seb's house.

They'd taken the spare remote for the gates with them so they opened them and drove straight in. Seb was already back, his DBX was parked outside.

Going through the front door they heard the sound of children's laughter filling the air. The laughs were coming from the room that Alyssa now knew to be the girls' playroom.

They all gathered around the open door and saw Seb sat on the floor with his daughters playing with their toy ponies. He was doing silly voices, in English as that was their main language now.

"Oh no Glitterball, the evil sorceress is coming to capture us!"

"I'm not letting her take us Blossomtail!" Rebekah cried.

"Where's my favourite girls?"

"Uncle Joel!!" the girls screamed, jumped up and ran to him, quickly forgetting their father.

He lifted them up, one in each arm. Seb stood up, smiling at Alyssa. He frowned as she looked away from him without returning his smile. What was wrong?

"Who's that?" Rebekah asked, pointing at Alyssa.

Sienna took her youngest daughter from Joel.

"This my darling is your Aunt Alyssa. She's come to meet you. She's going to be staying with Daddy for a while."

"Aunt Alyssa! Hi, I'm Rebekah. I'm five, but I'm nearly six."

"Hi Rebakah. Wow, you are getting a big girl. I love your pink shoes! I used to have some like it when I was a little bit older than you." She couldn't get over how much Rebekah looked like Seb, apart from having Sienna's lighter blonde hair.

"Yes, Mum couldn't get you out of them! You always wanted to wear them everwhere," Sienna added. "The tantrum you had when you outgrew them!"

Alyssa remembered it well. It had been just before their parents had split up, before Karl, before the dark days.

"And you must be Naomi," she said to the shy looking girl in Joel's arms. Naomi nodded. "Your Daddy told me that you like the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." The girl nodded. "Who's your favourite character? My favourites are Aslan and Mr Tumnus."

"Lucy and the Beavers," Naomi mumbled.

"They're cool too. My favourite bit is where Aslan comes back after they thought he was dead."

"I like it when Lucy and Susan are riding on Aslan's back!" Naomi said, forgetting her shyness.

"Why don't you show Alyssa your rooms girls?" Seb said, thinking that they could get to know her quicker if they spent some time alone with her. The girls both squealed with delight.

Sienna and Joel put them down and they each grabbed one of Alyssa's hands and dragged her off towards the stairs.

"Wow they've taken to her already," Sienna said.

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