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Slowly you try to stand up, still looking at the snail. You were ready to run 10mile away from this snail , if it just comes one inch closer, didn't. The snail still didn't move.

You touched your head and thought maybe you are already dead or maybe this is a coma dream, because you hit your head to hard on the garden door.

No this feels too real to be a dream, and you mostly don't dream about snails

Slowly you turned around to open the garden door. When you opened it you run in your house and closed it as fast as you could. The garden door was out of glass so you still could look at the snail. You looked at the snail, to see if it tries to move forward or if it maybe goes away, but nothing.

,,WHY AREN'T YOU MOVING, STUPID SNAIL" you scream. Wait, are you really angry at a snail for NOT killing you.

You got down to sit on the floor with you back touching the garden door.
,,what am I doing" you say putting you head between your knees.

It would be a lie to say that you are not stressed right now. I mean you were scared for this moment since ages and now that it finally came you don't know what to do.

You turn around again, to look at the snail.

'It is cold' you thought. A normal snail would die if it were outside right now at this temperature, but this snail not.
Because this fucking snail is also immortal like you.

But you also know that it still can feel pain like you.

'At this temperature it must really suffer, poor snail...WAIT WHY AM I WORRYING ABOUT THE SNAIL, WHICH TRIES TO KILL ME.'

You look outside again. It is still there.
,,hush" you make little gesture with you hand to show the snail that it should go away. It doesn't really help because it is still there.

*sigh* you have a idea how you could help this snail from they suffering, but it is very risky for you.

You run into the kitchen getting a paper and a glass. You also get a pair of gloves and a gas mask.

You walk back to the glass door and open it.

You slowly move forward in the direction of the snail. Slowly you bow down to the snail and move the paper under them.

You being pretty carefully to not touch them, because you don't want to die.

You take the glass and put it over the snail.,,HA BITCH GOT YOU" you laugh out loud and get back inside your house, to put them on the desk right beside your bed.

You take of the gas mask and look closely at the snail trough the glass.

,,what you gonna do now, can't kill me stupid snail" you said in a mocking voice making mean gesture infront of the snail. The snail even looked kinda hurt, which confused you but doesn't made you stop.

,,Imagine not being able to kill me, couldn't be me" you continued mocking them, until they turn offensive away.

'nice now I got a killer snail in my house....wait that not good'you thought slightly panicking

Note: me boring at the uni so here a shitty chapter, how you fell in love with a fucking snail. :))))

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