Of course, I left out the part about recently discovering a magical world, though. That was different.

"We're, like, RICH now!!!" Kiara squealed and jumped up and down.

"Can I buy a new phone in New York?" Skipper asked eagerly.

"Forget about technology, Skipper. I want a basketball court!" Stacie announced.

Dad chuckled and held up both hands.

"Now, now, girls. We're not necessarily rich. Anyway, Skipper, you already have a nice phone. And Stacie, I think a basketball court is a bit much."

Skipper and Stacie both giggled.

"Fiiiine," they said.

"Why don't you girls settle in and relax until . . ." Mom trailed off. 

"Bree and I go shopping for the night with my friend," Skipper finished.

Mom looked at her funny.

"When did I say you were going shopping?" she demanded.

"Oh, PLEEASE, Mom," Skipper begged. "It's the first night in the best city in the world!"

"Fine, but if I catch any funny business going on, you will NOT hear the end of it," Mom warned sternly. "And I'm putting your sister Bree in charge since she's the oldest. Bree, I hope I can count on you."

I gulped but nodded confidently. I honestly didn't know HOW I would keep proper track of my sister in this city, though. But I would have to do my best, like I always did.

"Okay, okay," Skipper relented.

Hours ticked by. Soon enough, it was a quarter to six. It was getting dark, and the colorful lights of New York City's skyscrapers were getting more pronounced by the minute.

"Mom and Dad, don't you think Bree and I should get going now? I promised my friend we would meet her at six," Skipper called.

"And where do you plan to meet?" Mom asked.

"The Big Apple Outlet. The mall's right next to it, so we'll be able to go there easily, too, if we need to," my sister replied.

"Be safe, girls. Make sure to bring your phones to call me if you get into trouble," Mom reminded.

"Oh, I've got more than my phone," Skipper said, holding up her camera.

I slipped my phone and magical iPod into my fanny pack and hung a black camera around my neck. I would need all the pictures I could get to look back to when the trip was over.

I readjusted my beanie, waved goodbye to my family sprawled out on the TV couch, and slipped out the hotel door with Skipper.

"I'm SO ready for this thing," she said to me.

"So am I. But . . . just remember what Mom said, okay?" I said.

"Sure, sure. And Bree? Make sure to actually BUY something this time, okay? It's not everyday you get to shop on the streets of New York without any parents hogging your time," Skipper laughed.

I smiled. "I'm sure I'll have fun, too."

The cool night air of the city greeted us as we stepped out the front door of the hotel building.

"Where were we meeting your friend again?" I asked.

"The Big Apple Outlet. The mall's right next to it, so if we don't get anything at the outlet, we have other options," Skipper replied with a wink.

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