Chapter 5

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Tomorrow was tryout results day. I was pretty confident that Katie and I would show Isabella who was the REAL loser tomorrow. She thought she was so high and almighty! Well, yesterday when she tripped me in the cafeteria, I'm pretty sure she did that just to cover up her shame from the incident at the cheer tryouts. Just because she overpowered me in some cases, it didn't mean that she WON me.

I got out of bed, determined to make things right again, and changed into my outfit for Thursday, the fourth day of junior high. I couldn't believe that it was only the fourth day. So much had happened during the past week that I felt like school had been going on for more than half a year.

I decided to wear a black thick-strapped tank top with a white jacket over it and a pair of lavender-purple joggers from Lululemon. I paired this with some black-and-white Converse high top sneakers. I just put my hair in my trademark ponytail and put my usual purple beanie on my head along with my bracelets.

I rode the school bus to school, but I didn't see Isabella and the Hollywood girls dramatically mount on it at all. I wondered where they went, but then again, why should I pay any attention to THEM?

When the bus arrived at the school, I started walking towards it, but suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something black and shiny. I turned, and I saw a gigantic black limousine that was almost twice the size of the school bus. Right away, I knew that it belonged to the Hollywood girls. A servant helped all of them to the school from the limo, and everyone gawked at them while walking themselves to the school. WHAT WAS UP WITH THE LIMO???!! Soon enough, I saw Isabella climb off the limo after the girls. Seriously? Who did she think she was?! She smirked at me, seeing me staring at her. I was on the verge of glaring my hardest glare at her, but then I decided to give her a fake friendly grin like nothing had happened yesterday. I did, and her snobby expression turned to a frustrated frown. She hadn't gotten the reaction she had wanted out of me. I was glad.

Once I got to school, I dropped off my backpack in my locker. Just then, I spotted Katie. I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey, Katie!" She turned around. She saw me, and her whole face lit up.

"Hi, Bree! I heard the cheer, soccer, and volleyball tryout results are coming out tomorrow!" she said.

"Yeah! I hope you get in," I agreed. She nodded. We both were thinking the same thing: we REALLY hoped Isabella would not make ANY of the teams. We both rushed to our separate classes and planned to talk again at lunch and Study Hall. I was determined to stay away from and ignore Isabella and the Hollywood girls completely.

After my classes, it was lunch, and I headed down to the cafeteria. I spotted the girls there, but I didn't even look at them and confidently made my way to my table. Katie was already waiting for me there, and I could tell that she was also trying her best to ignore the girls.

We talked and ate lunch, and this time, I made sure that I got my lunch at the same time as the girls did so that they wouldn't have a chance to trip me again. Katie and I talked about a bunch of things during lunch, and this time, there was no issue.

When I got home from school, my mom and my sisters were excitedly waiting for me in the hall outside my room.

"Guys? What's going on?" I asked, getting suspicious.

"Bree, we have a surprise for you!" Mom sang.

They made me close my eyes and guided me inside my room.

"Okay, Bree, open your your eyes . . . in THREE . . . TWO . . . ONE!!!"

I opened my eyes to see an adorable baby golden retriever sitting in the middle of my carpet, wiggling around.

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