2: Promised Happy Meal

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"No!" Sydney choked out, falling to her knees beside her best friend, who was now laying on the ground. She slid her hand under Adora's head, carefully laying her body in her arms. 

"It's okay, Syd. It's alright." Adora had said softly, knowing it's time. It wasn't her time but she had accepted her fate. A salty tear fell from Sydney's cheek, onto the dying blonde's face, "No, no, please." Sydney pleaded, not sure who she was talking to. 

Meanwhile, the rest of the group had come closer, Jensen still guarding the door. Amell put a hand on Sydney's shoulder, "It's going to be alright." he tried to calm her down. 

Adora shifted, grabbing something from her pocket and handing it to her friends, "Here, you go buy that Happy Meal for everyone." she chuckled, her eyes lighting up a bit. Sydney took the object and examined it, finding that it's Adora's wallet. 

Sydney couldn't help but choke out a laugh through her tears, even when she's dying, Adora always tried to make jokes. It amused Sydney in the slightest, making the other friends smile. 

That was three days ago. Jensen had found an exit, and the group had escaped the creature. Adora had died in Sydney's arms, as the brunette had refused to leave her side as the blonde was dying. 

Now, on a Tuesday, the three of them where having lunch. They were sitting at a booth in a McDonald's, eating the Happy Meal Adora had promised. She insisted that they had it, and no one wanted to disobey their friend's deathwish. 

Sydney took her death the hardest, she missed everything about her best friend. Her blonde hair, her smile, her advice, her dumb jokes, her sarcasm. Every little thing. She had also known Adora the longest. They had met Jensen and Amell when they went to high school, being good friends ever since. 

The two boys had taken their friend's death hard too, but they tried to stay strong for Sydney, hating to see her cry. 

"It still doesn't feel right." Sydney spoke up, breaking the painful silence. "I know, Syd. But there's nothing we can do, she accepted her death." Jensen spoke softly, feeling a slight pain in his chest, thinking of his friend. 

"No, I mean the creature. What even was that? I thought it was just those guys. We outran them, but it's still there." the brunette explained, thinking about what they were running from. The boy's eyebrows furrowed. 

"Yeah, I guess we have to go back. But I'm pretty sure we're gonna need more than guns. That thing looked demonic, and I've tried to shoot it, but it wouldn't budge. It's like a zombie." Amell thought out loud. 

Jensen frowned, "Zombie?" he said in disbelief. The boy had seen a lot of crazy things, but zombies? He didn't believe it. "Yeah, maybe it's already dead, and that's why we can't kill it with a simple gun that just shoots normal bullets. I'm not saying it's a zombie, it just sounds very zombie-like." Amell explained, curious to find out what it was. 

The dirty-blond nodded, "That sounds better, 'cause I didn't believe a word you were saying there." 

Sydney was lost in thought, reliving the events of last Saturday, "It honestly just looked like a human. I mean, yeah sure, it looked like it had been tortured and killed a while ago, but it still just could have been a human."  While the rest was running and trying to kill the men, the girl had been the only one to get a good look at it. 

"A human? Syd- did you really look at it? Did you see how tall it was?" Amell almost laughed at the girl's statement. Jensen furrowed his eyebrows, watching the exchange as he grabbed a handful of french fries. 

"Yeah? Some people are tall, you know. Come on, that thing was about 6'4", it could've been Clint Eastwood for all we know." Sydney retorted, to which Jensen changed the subject, "Clint Eastwood is 6'4"? I thought he was like 5'9"."

The girl turned to look at him, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is. But there's a lot of others who are about 6'4". I mean, you've got Tom Brady, Liam Neeson, Stephen King, Tom Selleck, RuPaul, Jared Padalecki, Abraham Lincoln-" the boy next to her cut her off,

"Abraham Lincoln was 6'4"?" Amell almost shouted, before realising he was in public, "That was like the 19th century, weren't people like really short back then?" he wondered aloud. 

"No I'm pretty sure they just died young." Jensen answered, forgetting the importance of the previous conversation. "God, I should've never brought this up." Sydney dissaprovingly whispered to herself. 

The boys looked at her, having heard what she had said. She quickly shook her head, "I'm gonna look into it." she said, standing up from her seat and grabbing one last fry. The three exchanged goodbyes and Sydney walked out the door, the bright sunlight hitting her pecan brown skin. 

The Prologueजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें