Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

After watching Jacob down a pound and a half of bacon to please his inner wolf, Dad and I went to his office to try and figure out our communication problem. I had never been in dad's office before. His office was a typical man's cave slash office. At least one that I have imagined one would look like. His office had dark wood wall paneling. A large dark wood desk sat in front of his window. In front of the desk sat two larges overstuffed dark brown leather chairs. There was even an antique globe of the earth that sat to the side of his desk. His walls were covered with bookshelves and filled to the brim. So many books that some laid on top of his desk and in piles in front of his shelves.

Dad told me to take a seat in one of the chairs. I was so small in his chair, and it was so overstuffed I sank into it. How did he expect us to find a solution with me in a chair this comfortable? I could sleep in here.

"Don't fall asleep we have a lot to do". Dad must have been able to see the relaxed look on my face. I waved him off in a manner saying, oh well I'm too comfortable to care. But getting to business I sat up and tried to pay attention.

We started by going over what we knew. That I could not talk as a human but as a wolf I could bark and growl and seemed to have normal wolf vocal cords. In wolf form I could not use my wolf link or my link I have as a human with my brother. So, I am cut off telepathically while in wolf form. I spoke to dad in my mind while he talked out loud.

"Let's talk to your wolf and see what she knows, maybe she can help us"? Dad asked me.

"Well, I will try she doesn't talk to me much she is very quiet". I told dad. I concentrated on my inner wolf and asked her to talk to me and see if she could help us. When she came forward, she seemed bothered by us. Like I am intruding on her free time or something. I then had a conversation in my head. To an outsider this must look strange, and I probably look crazy, but dad just waited for me to finish.

'Oh, why must you bother me, I told you I would talk to you only if I had to'. She spoke.

'Well dad and I need to figure out my communication issue or you won't get to run tonight, and I know you wanted to, so I suggest you help us'. I told her as a matter of fact.

'Oh, well ok. I'm sorry I just like to keep quiet and stay out of the way'. She told me.

'Well alright I will start with how I could only talk to my twin brother all my life till now, I'm mute and was born without vocal cords. We used what we called our twin talk. Then when I turned 16 and had our first shift, I found out my wolfs body could speak like a wolf can, but I am unable to speak to my family or my brother using my twin link or wolf link. But you seem to be able to read minds, or something, because you knew dad was going to tell me I could not run with the pack'. I told her all this fast as I could and hoped she got it all.

'So, you can't talk'. She told me. I shook my head yes but then realized I was talking to myself, so I said it. 'Yes.'

'Well, that's different. Ask your dad to tell you why you have a person in your head talking to you? We will start there'. She told me this and I was puzzled but asked dad anyways.

"Dad she told me to ask you why I have a voice in my head? She also seems perturbed that we are bothering her".

"Huh oh well from what I been told by my father, which he learned from his father and so on, is your inner wolf is an elder wolf spirit. The original wolves were a species of their own and immortal. But the mother got angry for some reason, and they lost their immortality. As they died the originals moved or joined the new werewolves being formed at the time, like reincarnation". Dad sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He looked frustrated but continued.

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