exhaustion /READ TW

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He shook the memory of hurting her from his head, he didn't like the way it made his chest feel.

"I wanted to get Titan's Blood for you. It's the last on the Isles." He lied. He just lied. Why did he lie to his Uncle? The Human had some left, he was sure of it.

Belos seemed unfazed by the sight of the most powerful substance in their realm.

"The ends do not justify the means, dear child," Belos sighed, like it was a burden to merely speak to the boy.

Hunter felt himself begin to shake, again.

"O-of course, my liege. What do I need to do-" He was cut off - almost literally - by veins shooting out at him with the speed of a staff, piercing through the fabric of his uniform, slicing open his grey skin everywhere they touched.

Hunter let out a scream, for the first time since he was a small child.

This immediately enraged The Emperor, as he stood angrily, storming over to the boy.

"It's been a while since we've heard that one, now hasn't it?" Behind his gentle expression was that of a snarl, like a slitherbeast when it's been inconvenienced. 

Hunter dared to back away, eventually becoming flush with his spine against the wall, shivering at the wet noise his bloody skin made from the contact.

Belos' tendrils splattered out again, holding hunter up against the structure by his throat.

"I gave you everything you have, I made you what you are, I gave you a life, a purpose, a use! And after countless failures, you seek to appease me by disobeying my command and denying your own repercussions for your actions?! Is that what someone like you deserves?!" Belos screamed so loudly by Hunter's face that it burned into his ears.

He felt the oxygen try to hold onto his lungs as he writhed from the suffocation, letting out choked cries, prying weakly at the veins surrounding him.

" Un- Uncle I'll do bett, ah, better! I'll do what, ever you w-w-want just please put me down-"

He was cut off by the release of tendrils around his form. He didn't realize how high up the two were until he felt it in his bones from the fall.

He clutched his chest, heaving breaths in and out of himself to the point where he almost vomited. His tears were burning the cuts on his face, vision blurring with black spots dancing on the edges of the scene. He tasted metal, every movement of his feeling like it happened seven times over.

"Good. I'm glad we've reached an understanding then, Hunter. Do go clean yourself up, you've made a mess." Belos said, regaining his kind voice as he turned away from the beaten boy below him.

Hunter was too dazed to do anything but comply, raising himself up as normally as he could before exiting the too-heavy doors of the throne room.

Luckily, although that could be debated, for Hunter, coven guards had been sent to their quarters for the night, so Hunter didn't have to worry about anyone witnessing how weak he was.

He didn't even remember getting to his fucking room. He saw his little bird on his bed, who immediately began chirping up a storm at the sight of its partner.

Hunter felt himself begin to laugh.

"I, I don't think I care right now. Belos told me to clean myself, and I need to do what he says, " He droned on, the last set of words feeling like they were said by someone else.

The bird chirped again, but in agreement that Hunter should have a shower.


empty handed - goldric oneshots/drabbzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon