Chapter 7

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~1 year later~

I sat on my bed then someone knocked on my door.

“I don't have time for you!” I snapped and sat on my bed

“Looks like you have plenty”

“I don't I have to go...K’s picking me up so I don't have time”

“Where are you going?”

“Somewhere”I said as I put on my shoes

“The last time you went somewhere you came home and almost fucked Ashton”

“look you're not my dad”


“Excuse me I have to go!” I snapped and pushed past him I grabbed my jacket and got in my car and  left. I pulled up in the graveyard my phone vibrated. It was Michael I ignored it.

I drove to Kimmie’s house and knocked on her door but she didn’t answer so I had to go to the worse place on earth. I pulled up in the driveway and sighed. I knocked on the door

“Why are you here?” they said

“Keith....I need a place to say”I sighed Keith is my ex boyfriend we broke up from the biggest fight ever

“fine” he sighed

“thank you” I said “It’s just for one night”

“okay you can sleep on the couch”


I drove home at 4 a.m. I pulled into the driveway and walked inside

“Michael..” I said he looked up his eyes were red and he had a drink in his hand

“Why are you here?”

“I need to be here its my house”

“yeah...and I don't ..think I need to be with you” he said and walked upstairs. I followed him he didn't go into my room he must've went into my dads room. I changed into my pajamas and laid down.

“Evan?” someone said I sat up and saw Luke looking in his eyes were all puffy and his nose was red he was wearing a long sleeved shirt and basketball shorts his arms were crossed and he looked scared.He walked in and shut the door.I walked over

“Luke what’s going on?”

“I need you're help...” he said

“Luke whats going on?”
“I-I-I cant!” he cried tears streamed down his face he looked terrified

“Luke tell me!” I said I grabbed his arms

“I killed someone Evan!” he said quietly I let go of his arms and backed away

“who was it Luke?” I asked he didnt respond “!” I snapped

“you're mom...”

“Luke what the fuck!”

“I didn't know I was walking by the bar near her house and she saw me and she was drunk and..and....” he said running his fingers through his hair “she pushed me against the wall and held a gun up to my head and yelled at me for being around you and I grabbed the other gun she had in her pocket and held it against her stomach and then she laughed and told me I couldn't do it and she put her finger on the trigger and was about to pull it when I pulled my trigger first and I ran as fast as possible and got home just now” he said

“What are we gonna do the first thing they’re gonna do is check for fingerprints on that gun” I said he then pulled out the gun

“LUKE!” I said he covered my mouth his eyes got wide

“Shut one knows but you and me” he said “I never laid a hand on her...her gun was halfway out of her pocket so I grabbed it and now I have it”

“Luke when they find her body they’re gonna come here and tell me and you can't make it suspicious okay”


“Luke can I ask you something?”

“why were you near my moms house?” he bit his lip and looked at me “Luke why?”

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