Where are the others?

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Despite never being particularly handy, Hyun-Su was shocked by how easily he took to repairing the generator in front of him. Like a duck to water.

He'd never even touched a piece of machinery like it, yet he instinctively knew exactly which wires needed to be connected and which levers to pull. Like some other force was guiding his hands. For the sake of his fragile sanity he didn't dwell on it.

"I still haven't seen the other two survivors this trial..." Claudette said. "I hope they're okay."

Hyun-Su went to look over at the other side of the generator to her but forced his eyes back where they were supposed to be. He didn't want to accidentally mess up and not only embarrass himself, but put him and his new survival companion in danger. "Other two?"

"There's always four survivors every trial," Claudette elaborated, sounding a little sheepish. "It's weird we haven't come across them yet."

Hyun-Su didn't think he could deal with more people right now. He was beyond antisocial on a good day but he'd also only been around the same couple dozen people for the last few weeks, and while Claudette was nice— who was to say the others would be the same? He already felt exposed and vulnerable, having to meet a bunch of new people was just rubbing salt in the wound.

"The clown looks human, so why does he want to kill us?" Hyun-Su asked.

"It's not just the clown," Claudette said. "The killers were all taken by the Entity as well, same as us. It's their job to kill us and it's our job to escape."

"The Entity?" A brief vision of black claw like tendrils flashed in his eyes. "You mean that spider thing?"

"Yeah, it's what brought us all here."

"But why—"

He was interrupted by the painfully loud sound of the generator powering up, machinery clanging and lowly rumbling. Hyun-Su gasped and threw himself away from the sound, reflexively adopting a defensive stance, mind whirring and erratically looking for an enemy to fight. A harsh light appeared from above them, attached to a pole coming from the generator. Hyun-Su hadn't noticed it before, it was like a flagpole. If the loud generator didn't alert the clown of their location, then that light definitely would.

Claudette eyed him with concern, she hesitantly put a hand on his shoulder. His sweaters wooly material felt coarse under her fingers, a small comforting smile tugged at her lips. "It's gonna be okay," she said. "We'll find the others and get out of here, then we'll tell you everything."

Her hand felt like a heavy weight on his shoulder, the urge to shy away caused his muscles to tense. Hyun-Su lowered his head in a twitchy nod, he wasn't very good with affection. And, as it turned out, neither was Claudette. She awkwardly retracted her hand and shuffled her feet, blushing.

"Come on," she said. "There's four more generators to fix."

When Hyun-Su didn't follow her out, she stopped and turned back to look at him with a questioning quirk of her eyebrow. He grabbed the nearest chair, holding it by its legs, testing it's weight for a moment before spinning around and slamming it against the wall. Claudette yelped in shock, throwing her hands up to cover her face. The chair splintered and chunks of wood clattered to the floor, leaving him with one of the legs in his hand.

"What are you...?" Claudette trailed off, then her eyes widened. "You're not gonna try to fight the clown, are you?"

Hyun-Su examined the wooden chair leg, it wasn't the best weapon, shorter than the length of his arm and nowhere near as lethal as his spear. But it felt sturdy enough and it wasn't like he had anything better right now.

"Lets go," he said, gripping the impromptu wooden club and walking past her. "He's probably coming this way."

"Please don't try to fight him," Claudette followed after him, having to quicken her pace to catch up with his longer strides. "You're going to get hurt."

Noticing that she was struggling to keep up with him, he slowed down. He was way too polite to leave her behind. For a second, he considered telling her about his accelerated healing, only to immediately brush that thought aside. He couldn't tell her that he was a monster, he didn't want to screw things up with this new group of survivors. Would they kill him if they knew he was cursed?

"Don't worry about me," he said. "I'll be fine."

"Please— just don't go after him," Claudette begged, grabbing onto his sleeve and forcing him to stop walking. "It's not worth the risk."

Hyun-Su looked down at her, meeting her pleading gaze with his own. Those wide doe eyes reached all the way down into his soul, he wanted to stick with his initial plan; kill the threat. If he snapped at her, or even just spoke in a more confident tone, he got the feeling that she would back off and probably hide in a corner somewhere. But he couldn't, not when she was looking at him like that. Dammit, Eun-Yu would have smacked him for being such a pushover. He could practically hear her scoffing.

He sighed, "Okay."

Claudette visibly relaxed, shoulders sagging and the crease between her brows softening. "Good," she breathed, letting him go. "I think there's another gen over this way." And with that, she lead him down a forked hallway, peeking into every door in search of generators.

Hyun-Su let her do her thing, she clearly knew what she was doing and where to go. By the time they had repaired their second generator, they still hadn't come across any other survivors. Where were they? It had been a while since they had seen the killer as well, the only sign that the clown was still roaming the school was the occasional cough that echoed through the halls and the coming and going of their heartbeats picking up.

"Why aren't the others doing gens?" Claudette mumbled to herself. They were creeping through the small courtyard in the centre of the building, taking cover behind a hedge. A cold breeze made Hyun-Su shiver, at least it wasn't snow.

He didn't have an answer to Claudette's question, and simply followed her back into the school. In front of them, was a large set of metal doors, behind a small jungle gym like fence structure. Cages hung from the high ceiling, Hyun-Su chose not to look at the corpses trapped inside. He sincerely hoped they hadn't died in this horrible place. Is that what would happen to him if he died? Would Claudette one day be put in one of those cages?

Reception was to their right, the small office connected to another back room. As the two got closer to the reception desk, Hyun-Su froze, his breath hitching in his throat. 'No way.'

There, crouched behind the receptionist desk, was a familiar face. Hyun-Su's voice was shaky and unsure as it passed his lips.

"You're here too?"

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