A new kind of monster

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He was trudging through the snow, towards his death, he remembered. Eyes black and skin pale, sweater ripped up and bloody. The biting cold numbed his body, nipping his skin as the snow fell. The fog surrounding him only made it more difficult to see, he forced himself to keep moving, legs dragging through the knee high snow. But the fog only seemed to thicken, swirling around him, brewing with an energy that made it feel almost... alive.

Hyun-Su didn't understand it, but somehow he knew it was trying to take him somewhere. Using all his willpower, he fought with the fog, refusing to let it take him. Was it some kind of monster?

Whatever it was. it erupted from under the snow. A black claw like thing that swiped at the teenager, causing him to fall back into the snow. It was like a spider, spindly and sharp, Hyun-Su could sense it's power. He jumped out of the way as it took another jab, the military preparing to shoot him in the distance long forgotten.

The fog only got thicker and more suffocating the more Hyun-Su struggled with the creature, but it was when the gunshots started to ring in his ears and his body was torn up by bullets that he slipped and the Entity won their battle of wills. As he fought to keep his eyes open, he felt himself be transported from one realm to another.

Next thing he knew he was standing in an empty classroom, destroyed and decaying like it had been abandoned a long time ago. A low siren blared in his ears before cutting off and leaving him in the deafening silence. He was alone in the room but didn't relax just yet. As the fog cleared around him, he waited for the monster to return to try finish him off. Where did it take him? Where was it?

Looking down at himself, he realised his wounds had already healed, pretty much instantly and way too quickly to be his own body's work; even with his newfound abilities.

Standing in the unfamiliar environment, he felt exposed and vulnerable. The feeling of being watched was a constant buzz in the back of his head, this must be what it felt like to be a bug under a microscope. He wanted his spear. Ever since he had first held that flimsy homemade spear, a kitchen knife duct taped to a broom pole, it had given him a sense of security— even if it was small. His attachment had only grown after Mr Han had upgraded it for him.

He couldn't dwell on his lost weapon right now though, (or his lost friends) he needed to find a weapon and fast. He scanned the room for something he could use but was left disappointed. There was nothing he could realistically use to defend himself.

After a bit of hesitation he decided to leave the classroom he was in, he couldn't just stay there and wait for the spider monster to come back for him. The sound of machinery is what lead him down the hallway, towards one of the other wrecked and abandoned classrooms. What was that?

Creeping towards the door, he peeked around to look inside, hoping not to alert anything sinister that could be hiding inside.

On first glance there was no one inside, just another classroom— though there was a machine, the one making all the noise, against the far right wall. It was sparking and clearly broken.

As his brown eyes raked the room for a makeshift weapon he froze, turning his head towards the machine again. He had missed her before, she seemed to just blend in with her surroundings like a chamaeleon.

The girl was small, with dark skin and dreadlocks pulled back messily out of her face. From behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses, she glanced up from the machine that she was tinkering with and gasped, flinching back slightly.

"Oh- I don't think I've seen you before..." she said, voice hushed. "Did you just arrive?"

The woman had a deer in headlights look about her, one Hyun-Su could relate to. By appearance alone the girl seemed rather harmless, sweet even, with round eyes and soft features. But he knew not to judge someone for their appearance, looks could be deceiving after all. From what she had just said it sounded like there where others here, probably also taken by the fog like he was.

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