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Klaus's scream is shattering.

Everyone who wasn't up before is up in a heartbeat, jolting to their feet. You're already charging towards the two of them, axe raised, but Petra gets there first. She's weaponless, but she kicks Mike in the side. "Get off!" she howls.

She's got guts, you'll give her that. But Mike hardly budges. Klaus is a mess of blood, trying to hold Mike away from him while blood is leaking from his neck.

You don't even have time to question why or how Mike is now a zombie. What happened to Duran, how this happened to Mike- there's no time for processing. You just need to move, you need to go, you need to leave-

Gunther tackles Mike, and the two of them go sprawling. Petra immediately runs to Gunther's aid, calling his name. Nanaba jumps down next to Klaus, pressing what looks like a shirt to his neck. "Stay with me, Klaus, stay with me," she chants.

"Mike!" Oluo cries out, shoving himself up from the ground so that he can get to Gunther. "C'mon, man! Snap out of it!"

That's how this works. That's not how any of this fucking works-

"Everyone, go!" Erwin shouts. You spin around- you hadn't realized he was here. "We've been invaded! Grab the go packs and get out! We'll regroup on the east side of the building!"

He steps towards the chaos, looking to help, but his head turns. You see it at the same time: two more zombies coming up the steps. "I can-" you start.

Erwin points down to the hallway with his one good arm. He's got a knife in his hand. "I'll take those two," he says, and then he gestures to Hange. "Hange, go get Levi and then find me again. Sparks, help out here. Go!"

"I've got him," Eld says, and you see him racing after Erwin. "I'll help him, go!"

Then Erwin's gone with Eld on his heels, heading towards the two zombies down the hall, and you have no choice but to spin on your heel and race towards where Petra is trying to pull Oluo to his feet. Mike's laying a good distance away, groaning and scratching at the floor.

There's a scream; Klaus has spun his head so that he could sink his teeth into Nanaba's bicep. She howls, jerking her arm away.

Mike. Klaus. Now Nanaba.

They're bitten. There's no hope left for them.

Your head is starting to swim, but you need to do fucking something. "Hey!" you call, and Klaus looks over to you. His eyes are rimmed with red and he's staring at you with a fervor in his eyes that makes your skin crawl. 

"I'm sorry," you choke out. Hands shaking, you swing your axe.

The blade digs straight into Klaus's head. Your vision is blurry as you tug it out, blood spraying across the floor and your pants. Klaus slumps to the ground, dead.

"What the hell!" Nanaba demands furiously. She's cradling her arm. "What the fuck? You just killed him-"

"He was already dead!" you snap back, but your hands are trembling and your voice is shaking and god fucking damn it, your head is spinning. Tears are sparking in your eyes. "Nanaba, he was a zombie!" you cry out, voice cracking.

Nanaba shakes her head viciously. "This is what happened to Gelgar, isn't it?" she snarls. "You fucking killed him!"

"I didn't!" you protest. God, you're dizzy. "Nanaba, I-"


You look over to the cry and you immediately feel the urge to vomit. Mike's gotten on top of Gunther again and his teeth are tearing at Gunther's neck and face. Gunther's screaming, trying to push at Mike but to no avail. Petra's the one who screamed, but she's trying to pull Oluo away from the mess; he doesn't look like he's doing too well.

As The Spark Dies | Levi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now