"That was really cute and I trust you. But let's just leave it here because tomorrow. We leave for the tour and I don't want to be mad at you." I kissed him.

"Yeah. I love you." He kissed me back.

"I love you too." We kept talking about random stuff, the wedding, our honeymoon, etc... 'Till the waitress came.

"Are you ready to order." The stupid bitch waitress asks.

"Yeah." I said, she looks at me and then pays her attention to Shawn.

"What do you guys want to order?"

"Two Chicken Alfredo Pastas." Shawn says and smiles at me.

"What do you want to drink?" She asks.

"I want Pepsi. Baby what do you want?" Shawn asked me.

"I want a Mountain Dew." I said.

"Okay." She walks of.

"Oh, god did you saw her face?" I laughed.

"Yeah." Shawn joined me. We had to stop laughing because people were looking at us.

***** 30 minutes later *****

"Where's is the fucking waitress. Did she went to Italy to get the fucking pasta?" I'm really starving is been like 30 minutes and the waitress hasn't come with our food.

"Yeah, where is she?" Shawn said looking everywhere. "There she is." Shawn waved at her.

"What do you need?" She asked with that fake smile.

"We want our food." Shawn snapped.

"Oh, sorry I didn't gave the chef your order." She faked a smile.

"You know what we're leaving so you can take that food and put it in your butt." Shawn said. I was a little taken aback by his reaction, but I liked it.

I was struggling to get out of the booth so Shawn helped me.

"Let's get the hell out of here." Shawn says. I've never seen Shawn this pissed off, like ever.

"Shawn it's okay."

"Mady it's not okay I wanted this day to be perfect and it just started awful." He raised his hand and I flinch. "Oh, my god. Mady I'm so sorry, you know I'll never hit you."

"I know that you will never hit me but you just got me off guard. Don't worry about the date the only thing that matters is that I'm with you. we can go anywhere don't worry, but let's hurry up so that we can go skating."

"This is what I like the most about you. That you eat everywhere. I love you." He kissed me passionately.

"I love you too." I murmur in the kiss. This is what I like about Shawn's kisses. They are so perfect that I can't stop smiling when he kisses me.

"Let's go skating." Shawn says and walked towards the car. Shawn opens the door for me.

"Well, thank you." I said.

"Welcome, princess." He runs to the other part of the car and started the ignition.

***** In the Skating Park *****


I'm still pissed off for what happened in the restaurant I wanted this to be perfect.

"What shoe size?" The lady from the front desk asks. Mady looks at me and I nodded.

"6 for her and for me 10.5." I said.

"Okay, here ya go. Have fun." The lady says. I think her name is Monica that's what her name tag says.

"Thanks." Mady says.

"Let's sit here." I grabbed Mady's hand and walk to a bench that's there. I started laughing, because Mady was struggling to put her skates.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"Yes, please. This big belly doesn't help at all." She huffed.

I bend on one knee and started to tie her skates. Everyone that was passing by is was saying 'aww, they're so cute.' I blushed and Mady too.

"Done." I stood up and Mady looked at me and I chuckled. I helped her stood up ad walked to the skating ring.

"Shawn I don't know how to skate." I said.

"Don't I'm gonna show you." I grab her hand and started going around the ring 'till she got the hang of it.

"Okay I got it." She said. I leave her and started doing turns, jumps, everything that I know to do. The ring was empty so it was better.

"Mady, watch this." I said. I was giving my back to the wall. When I was going to do the turn I bumped really hard on the wall and fall. Mady was laughing her ass off. Oh god I love her laugh. She walked towards me to pulled me up but I push her with me.

"Just like the movies. This is perfect." She says and kisses me.

"Yeah just like the movies." I kissed her again and stood up and helped her up.

"Ca we go now we have been here for two hours?" She asks.

"Yeah let's go." I grab her hand and walked to the bench. Mady gives me her skates and I walked up to the lady in the counter.

"Here you go." I said handing her the skates. She gives me our shoes. "Thank you." I said.

"You really love her don't you?" The lady got me off guard. Isn't that obvious.

"Yeah, I really love her. She's my everything." I said.

"I can tell. Take good care of her, she seems like a nice girl. She really loves you and that baby she about to have is going to change your live. That baby is going to united you guys more that you already are." She says.

"Thank you. I know he is going to be my everything." I said and walked away.

I put my shoes and Mady already put her's.

"Let's go and eat this baby is like a vampire." She laughs and I chuckled.

We entered the car and I drive to taco bell.


Longest chapter I ever wrote in my life. sorry of there are any errors. Love you guys and thanks for 1.82k reads. jessicarj3815 ilovegilinsky15


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