Chapter 16

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"You have got to be kidding me." Dimple & Kavya look up shocked to see....Aryan. "Thats the most stupid idea ever. This must be your idea hai na Piya?" 

"Excuse ideas are never stupid!" Kavya glared at him with her hands on her waist.

"Yeah...ok." Aryan scoffed. "And you think this brilliant idea of yours will work?"

"Of course....all my ideas are amazing!" Kavya replied. "And anyways, that idiot is your friend na?"


"Ill take that as a as his friend you should help too!" 

"I am helping! I went to go talk to him!" Aryan replied.

"Really? And how did that go?" Kavya asked sarcastically. Aryan kept silent and looked down. " now shut up and go along with my plan!"

Kavya then turned back to Dimple and saw her staring at her with her mouth wide open.


"Nothing...I just never seen anyone talk to Aryan like that. You know he is your boss right?" Dimple whispered.

"Yeah, so?" Kavya was not bothered. 

"God Piya....this is not like a movie or some wattpad story. It wont work!"  Aryan  rolled his eyes. "And Im not going to stand here while you trick one of my best friends like that."

"Oye! Pyar ke dushman, where do you think you're going?" Kavya stepped infront of Aryan as he was about to leave.

"To tell tell Anuj that he was right...his girfriend is crazy and she has joined forces with an even more crazier girl!"

"...Rude!" Kavya gasped. Aryan ignored her and started towards the elevator.

"Oh no! If he tells Anuj, it will ruin everything!" Dimple panicked.

"I got this..." Kavya whispered. As Aryan waited for the elevator to come up, Kavya crept up behind him and karate chopped him in the neck, making him fall unconscious.

"AAH!" Dimple screamed.

"SHHH!" Kavya sushed her as she dragged Aryan away. "Dont worry, he's just unconscious."


"Ill deal with him, you continue with the plan." Kavya assured her. "Wait...there's no cameras up here right?"


"Great...then we're good. Tum jao!" 

Dimple was hesitant but she left while Kavya struggled to move Aryan. "Oof...dude what do you eat? You're so heavy!"

"I have to make sure you dont go ruin my plan after waking up....but where do I put you?" Kavya looked around for a bit until she saw a small store room with a key dangling on a wall next to the door. "Seriously? Who keeps the key just hanging like that? You know what...forget it, this is perfect."

So with difficulty, Kavya dragged Aryan into the store room and she was about to lock him in but then stopped. "Nahi, I shouldnt leave him alone. Ill just stay with him....there's a lock on both sides, Ill lock it from inside. Haan...Ill do that."

Kavya then entered the store room and turned on the light before locking the door behind her.

"Wow....that a heavy door."

After about 20 minutes Aryan started to wake up. 

"Uhnn!" He groaned as he grabbed his neck. "Piya what did you do?"

"Oh relax, you're alive!" 

"Thats not the-wait...." Aryan looked around. "Is this the store room on the roof?"

"Yeah...perfect place to hide you until all this is done."

" didnt lock the door did you?" Aryan asked.

"Why would I keep you in here and NOT lock the door? Thats makes no sense!" 

" no no NO!" Aryan ran to the door and started pulling and juggling the door knob making Kvaya confused.

"Aryan....I have the key."

"The key doesnt work!" Aryan yelled.


"This is a store room was turned into a cold storage so you can lock the door from the inside but it will only open from the outside using the keypad!"

Kavya's eyes widened. "There was a keypad?"

"Seriously? You dont look around or think before doing things?"

"Oh no....phail gaya raita." Kavya mumbled to herself. She ran to the door and tried to open it, when it wouldnt budge she banged on the door. "HELLO! SOMEONE THERE? HELP!!

Aryan said. "What have you done Piya!"

"I didnt know this was a cold storage!" Kavya defended herself. Aryan gave her a look.

"Right because thats the only problem here. Knocking a person unconscious and locking them in store room is completely normal!" 

"Ok...I admit I have gone a bit overboard..."

"A BIT?" Aryan raised an eyebrow.

"Ok fine! Alot....lekin I was just trying to help Dimple. She was really sad....and my plan is perfect but you just had to come along and hear everything! Its all your fault!"

"That really must be your favorite pastime in the world...hai na?" 

"Kya?" Kavya asked.

"Blaming me....again!"

"You- no you know what, god knows how long we will be stuck here and I really dont want to waste my energy on you!" Kavya turned away and just sat down.

"What are you doing?" Aryan asked.

"Waiting....Once Dimple & Anuj are reunited she'll come back to the office and someone will notice we are gone. Someone will come save us."

"We cant wait that long!" Aryan yelled.

"Well do you have some kind of super strength to can break the door?" Kavya asked. Aryan shook his head. "Then we dont really have a choice do we?"

Aryan kept banging in the door a bit longer until finally he gave up and also sat down on the floor.


Note: This is just a short filler chapter and I wanted to make it a crazy as I can, taking inspiration from all the Hindi Tv Serials I what did you guys think?

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