Hadrian glamoured the Death parts, so his uncles wouldn't become too curious. He could feel his mate's presence and had to bite back a smile. "Right fuck, even I hadn't thought that it would be so much." He shook his head when he felt Cyrian's amusement. "I want a full analysis of all my vaults, who used them since my birth and where they take part in businesses. Cross out the businesses which don't bring money and send me a list of new possible businesses. Have a good day, Sir Griphook, and may your businesses always bring profit." he bowed and stood up. "A good day to you too, Heir Peverell, and may your person always be respected." With that Hadrian dragged his uncles out of the office and Gringotts.

When they stood outside of Gringotts his uncle's synchrony looked at him with a look that meant 'We'll talk about that later.' Hadrian sighed and nodded his head. His soulmate laughed in his head and hugged him from behind. "May we go and get my school stuff?" Regulus grinned. "Of course, sunshine."

They got everything Hadrian would need for his first year and a lot more books that he thought were interesting. They also got him duel robes and robes with his houses on them for official meetings. He also got an endless journal for his poets, stories, and drawings. After eating ice cream at Florean Fortescue's ice salon the four of them made their way back to Potter manor where Hadrian would spend the last month before Hogwarts would start in September.

The Potter's (including Remus and Sirius) waited in front of Hadrian's wing. "The squib is back!" Lucy called, while Hadrian could feel Cyrian's presence shifting and soon enough he was hugged from behind while Death's chin rested on his shoulder. Hadrian rolled his eyes at the insult. "If I was a squib, would I have lordship over some of the oldest pureblood lines there are in Britain? If I was a squib, would I have gotten my acceptance letter from Hogwarts? If I was a squib, could I do this?" he asked and flicked his wrist and the trunk which stood next to his small frame floated into the air, opened the first compartment, and unpacked itself before packing again. The trunk landed before he flicked his wrist again and the doors to his wing opened. "Do you want something?" Hadrian got no answer but instead, James walked into his wing. "You will show me the portraits of my ancestors, squib, right now or I'll write to Professor McGonagall that you won't start your education at Hogwarts." Hadrian merely raised an eyebrow and his eyes bored right into the hazel ones from James. "Was that a treat?" he asked a little too friendly when he looked at his uncles from the corner of his eyes.

"What if it was?" dared James. "Oh, I don't know. I'm head of house from Peverell, Pendragon, Emrys, and LeFay. Not to forget that I am heir to Potter, Black, Pettigrew, and Crouch. My uncle is the head of house Black and if he wanted he could ruin you. Politicly, social and private, that is." He took a deep breath, while death laughed at his father. Pride and pride pulsed through their soul bond. "Now, since you were so friendly and asked me to show you, my ancestors. Follow me." He walked past James without sparing him a second glance.

They walked through the hallway, up the stairs to the second floor, and into the family library. Then Hadrian led them into the, not so hidden, hallway and up the next staircase before they came to the ancestor gallery. "I'm back!" he called and all the portraits woke up again. "'Drian! I hope you brought the journal I told you about." said Rosemary Shakespeare. He rolled his eyes. "Course I did, Rose. But that has to wait, we have quite rude guests. You know, the ones that sent me here? And my uncles, of course." he answered with annoyance clear in his voice.

Pablo Potter spoke with his dark voice. "Had, you know we don't want to talk to that part of the family." He grinned when his wife Estelle LeFay hit him on his painted shoulder. "Bring them in, young one. They won't go away until we talked to them, isn't it so?" said Beatrix Gryffendore, granddaughter of Godric Gryffindor. Hadrian shook his head in no. He opened the door so the others could come in as well. James' mouth flew open at the sight of all his ancestor's portraits. Sirius gasped when he saw his ancestors as well. "Mother?! What the heck are you doing here?" he asked one painting. "What do you think, Sirius? I taught him everything I forgot when it was your turn and now look what you are now." Regulus laughed and Sirius glared at both his family members. "But he's a filthy little squib and Lucy's your heir, mother!" he snapped.

Regulus glared at his brother but he used his manners. "First of all, brother, I am the head of the house, not you, and my heir is Hadrian, which mother approves. Second, my heir, my nephew is not filthy nor is he a squib and it would be good for you to remember that. Third, it is his living place, to which he granted you access, and yet here we are, you insulted Hadrian in his wing, in his home in front of all his family. Did you never listen, when grandfather taught us about family magic, brother? He is the heir and he comes before you. You were ones disowned, but right now I could and maybe I even will kick you out of the family, forever. Got it?" Sirius nodded while he still glared. "Thank you, uncle Regulus. Hello Grandma, did you have a good day?" Walburga nodded and smiled at Hadrian.

Therewhile a very angry Euphemia scolded his son, James, and her daughter-in-law. "You think you so much better, are you? Son, everything we taught you is based on loyalty and love to your family and you disrespected both. Hadrian is your fucking family you dumb idiot and still, we found him when he was only four, wandering around in the former family wing, which you knew and yet disrespected again. He was fucking four and the only things he had with him were a backpack with clothes and one fucking stuffed animal, which was rubbish at this point. I'm disappointed in you. Oh, and now you, my dear daughter-in-law. I thought you were a loving mother like I like to think I was, but apparently, I wasn't if you both decided that your son wasn't even worth a bit of time and love, but instead, you gave everything to that girl, just because she lived. Your son lived as well but that didn't even matter to you. Same for you, Remus and Sirius. We kept you all those summers as our sons and yet the only ones to remember my grandson was Peter, Sirius' brother, and another Slytherin." Fleamont didn't look much better. "Now, I want that all of you leave Hadrian's wing. He had a hard day and if I look at him he is tired and emotionally drained. He needs his rest. Off you go and I don't want to see any of you again until it is to get him for the train ride to Hogwarts." He dismissed them all and Hadrian looked grateful before he brought them back to the door.

A/N: And here, my dear readers, we had the luck to witness the Potter's being told to fuck themselves by Hadrian's ancestors. Hope you enjoyed it.
'Till next time,

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