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🇱 ily took Harry's sister Lucy from James and ran the stairs up and to the room they share. While Lucy cried loudly, Harry was completely silent and didn't make a peep.

In the entrance hall stood James Eye to eye with Tom Riddle but James hadn't had his wand and Tom Riddle didn't bother using the killing curse. James Potter was just stunned and Voldemort calmly walked up the stairs where Lucy was crying and Lily was panicking 'cause she forgot her wand in the living room. Whilst this all happened Harry just sat there his jade green eyes twinkling with curiosity and his face relaxed. "Muma!" He called out. "Plewse say cam. You scarin' Lucy." Lily smiled at her daughter and while ignoring Harry she moved to stand in front of Lucy's crip, leaving Harry without protection. The said boy clung tightly at his amulet while the other handheld his bracelet. The door opened when Voldemort used a Bombarda. "Step aside, woman, and let me see if I should kill your daughter, Lucy? Wasn't it?" Lily screamed when he shoot a stunning charm at her.

Lucy cried while Voldemort looked at her with disgust and then he turned to the other kid, Harry, Wormtail told him. "I'm sorry little Snake. You'd be a very powerful wizard one day, but I can't know if you'll be on my side." He whispered and raised his wand when Harry spoke to him. "Is okay." he smiled softly and Tom whispered the killing curse while the jade-green eyes looked at him but without fear, no it was just curiosity. "I'll see you again, my little snake," Tom said, just as he was hit with his own killing curse.

He left the lightning bolt on Harry's forehead, while Lucy was hit with a piece of wood, which left a similar scratch on her chin. The boy hid his scar with glamour and his hair before he used his raw magic to use 'enervate' on Lily and James. The read-headed woman woke up, just when James sprinted into the room and looked around with wide eyes. "Mummy, daddy!" Lucy called the only two words she could use. Both of his parents looked shocked at her chin and Harry was left fifth-wheeling all over again.

The Potter's, plus Remus and Sirius, sat in the living room, the next day and waited for Dumbledore to come. The flames discolored to apple green and Dumbledore came out of the fireplace. "Good morning, my dears." Harry whimpered at the voice and Remus looked down at him. "Remy lemme say with u, plewse. I Luv u and Siri." The werewolf sighed. "Harry, nobody's gonna get you away from us." he looked at Dumbledore, who winked at him and sat down. "Ah Remus, I believe you're wrong. It will be the best thing for Harry to live far away from all this. His sister is the girl who lived and even now she is popular. He would get jealous and then he would boycott Lucy's training." The old man looked at Lily and James, who shared a look and then nodded. "I think you're right, Albus, but why bother my sister. We could let him live in the south wing when he is a little older. Harry can live there on his own and because nobody is ever there, there won't be important things." Lily said smiling at her daughter. "That will work as well. Thank you for the idea." the old man left through the fireplace.

Three years later, 31.07.1984, Potter Manor:

Hadrian was now four years old and today his parents had decided that he was to live in the south wing of Potter Manor. He packed his few things and walked through the west wing until he came across a big cherrywood door. Hadrian opened the door with his magic and looked at a vivid hallway. The coloring wasn't red and gold like the rest of the manor, but a pastel apple green.

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