Date day

22 3 2

Naruto got the directions to Hinatas by a note she gave him. He made his way there now, wearing a casual formal outfit.

Once Naruto reached the door he heard yelling.

"Nii-san why didn't you tell me!"

"Hinabi, mom, dad, it's alright." He heard Hinata say, probably trying to calm them down.

Naruto was about to knock but the door swung open. At that moment Naruto caught some man's eyes that looked older.

"Naruto-kun, dad please stop." Hinata said, rushing over.

Naruto nodded his head in acknowledgement and motioned for Hinata to come. Hinata listened and followed Naruto to his car.

"Bye dad!" Hinata yelled when entering the car.

Her dad waved them off with a very unpleasant look. Just then Naruto drove off, him and Hinata having a comfortable silence.

Once they reached a raman restaurant Naruto led Hinata to a good seat. Once they sat down Naruto pulled out his phone and showed her something.

Sorry if you don’t like Ramen, this is where I practically grew up so I wanted to show you it and if we have another date then you can pick, we didn't decide who was picking so I picked

Hinata gave a small chuckle after reading Naruto's concern. She ended up giving him a warm smile.

"Here let me do something, may I see your phone?" Hinata asked while reaching her hand out.

Naruto hesitantly gave it to her and she immediately started searching and typing. Naruto watched her do whatever she was doing, not releasing how his hand was moving forward.

Naruto's fingers started to run through Hinata's hair, causing her to freeze at the sudden contact.

"Na-" Hinata tried to say.

"Ah Naruto, welcome back!" Naruto and Hinata looked over at the voice.

Naruto's face lit up and he gave a huge smile, meanwhile letting go of Hinata's hair.

After ordering, Naruto heard his phone go off. He looked up to see if he should go on his phone, only to see Hinata on her phone, glancing at him.

Naruto picked up his phone to see a text from Hinata.

Hey, when you gave me your phone I put my number in for you 😊

That's nice, thanks 😊 

Naruto looked up at Hinata and gave a sweet smile, and Hinata returned. 

They talked (texted), ate and laughed together the whole night but now it was time to drop Hinata back home.

"Let's do this again soon. I have a lot of fun." Hinata grabbed Naruto's hand while speaking.

Naruto as a response nodded his head and grabbed her hand a bit tighter. They were in front of Hinata's house when they decided to look at eachother.

Naruto started leaning in, Hinata closing the distance. It was a sweet, soft kiss that showed their love for one another. They wanted to have it last forever. Naruto's hand holding Hinata's cheek. Hinata's arms wrapped around Naruto's waist.


Hinata and Naruto broke away immediately looking at the door only to see Hinata's dad.

"Dad!" Hinata yelled, kinda scared by his face.

"Hinata who is this boy." He said looking at Naruto then back at Hinata.

"Dad, this is Naruto. He goes to my school and we have been talking. So just now it was-" Hinata tried to explain but was interrupted by her father.

"Hinata, I want the boy to speak to." He said turning towards Naruto.

Hinata saw Naruto's head go down in shame. "Dad, Naruto can't speak." Hinata said, trying to have her dad focused on her.

He seemed to understand because he nodded his head and shewed Naruto off.

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