chapter 3 quirk test part 2

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last time they saw teh begining of theyr U,A life alogn with how srong the 9 user would become and  the calss 1-b but how will they react do how he passes the currently biggest obstical in his way now lets begin the chapter

end of narrator

togaru-so were class 1-b huh can't wait to see witch of our class is better)he said with a smile

monoma-of course it would be our class 1-a are nothing but wanting to be the center of attention to-)as he was knocked out by kendo sighed

kendo-sorry for him )as he dragged him away as pony talked in english with juzo do the confusion of some

uraraka- the lowest scorer will be expelled,,? its only the first day! i mean even if it werent thats totally unfair!!)she said alarment as izuku and kirishima looked worried as the others looks serious and shoko cold gaze

izuku{life isn't fair i known that since 4 years old but im not gonna make a scene}he thought nervous 

[almost made a plot hole beacuse i jsut copied manga]

aizawa-again i like this problem child)he said as he suddenly caught a coffee

allmight-where did you get that)he asked freaked out

aizawa-just thought about that i want a coffee and it appears don't know why though)he answered as he drank the coffee

nezu-huh i thought i was the only one you would notice that)as a cheese wheel suddenly appeared and started eating as others tried to summon some questionable stuff but they didn't appear do their anger

[take a guess]

aizawa-natural disasters,, highway pileups rampaging villains,, calamity is always right around the corner. do say japan is full of unfair things.heroes are the ones,,, who correct all that unfairness,)he explained as the events he mentioned happened like a earthquake disaster cars that have driven into each other and the slime villain incident as it showed him holding his hair infront of his eye and sighing

kirishima-i remember that sludge incident i wonder hu the quirkless kid hu tried to help was)he asked as the pro heros hu were in that event like kamui woods ,death arms,mt lady were looking  at izuku noticed by some and all might looking at him also

kaminari-no way it was you no wonder allmight choose you )he said laughing a bit

deatharms-i still remember that day)he says looking out at the kid currently as aizawa just sighed but then remember that in the future he had a mental of a realist and felt kinda relieved that he would mature but doing something that stupid as the other people he compliment for his courage from the two classes other than a few

aizawa-if you were hoping to spend your evenings hanging out at mcdonalds.,, i'm sorry to tell you,, that for the next three years,,, U,A WILL DO ALL IT CAN TO GIVE YOU ONE HARDSHIP AFTER ANOTHER go beyond plus ultra)as he said showing siluets of the teachers and then his face with a mocking face and serious while moving his finger in the fashion do come near him 

,, i'm sorry to tell you,, that for the next three years,,, U,A WILL DO ALL IT CAN TO GIVE YOU ONE HARDSHIP AFTER ANOTHER go beyond plus ultra)as he said showing siluets of the teachers and then his face with a mocking face and serious while movin...

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