Y/n And The 7 Kingdoms

Start from the beginning

"Oh! Do you like my new staff?" Varian waves his staff in your face. "Yes. Its nice Varian." You push it out of your face, "Now where's your father? We need to go." "I'm here!" Quirin says coming down the steps. "Cool. Let's go."

After a while of walking and Varian skipping as he talked about how excited be was, the 3 of you came upon your first kingdom.

"Oooooooo!" Varian said, looking at his surroundings.

"You guys get supplies while I get... something." You command. "Wouldn't it be best if we stuck together?" Quirin asks. "Yes. That's why the two of you will stay together." You say. "You know what I meant." Quirin softly glares. "Fine. We'll all stay together. But I still have to go get that... something..." You give in.

A little while later, with Varian skipping around like a little kid in Uncle Monty's Sweet Shoppe, it was time to go get your... something...

"Soooooooooo?" Varian started, "Where are we going?" Varian asked as you led the two to the castle. "To get that... something..." You say.

You arrived in front of the castle doors, which were guarded by two guards. "Who are you and what do you want?" A guard asked. "I'm an old friend of Nuru's." You state. The two guards looked at each other before letting you and the guys in.

"Wooooooooah!" Varian smiles with stars in his eyes.

The two followed you to a room.

You knocked on the door, "Hey, Nuru." You said. "Uh, who is it?" A girly voice said. "Oh, open the damn door up." You said.
Varian and Quirin flinched, you never said anything like that.

The door immediately flew open, "Y/N!" A girl screamed. "NURU!" You screamed back. The two of you hugged as Varian and Quirin stood still confused.

"Oh, what are you doing here?!" The girl, who was probably Nuru, asked while breaking the hug. "Well, Varian and Quirin here," You nodded to the two behind you, "are going on an adventure with me. I was wondering if you would like to join us and we could get the team back together!" "OMG! That would be awesome!" Nuru exclaimed.

"Wait, are the two boys here?!" Nuru got excited before smirking, "Even maybe Hugo?" "Shut up!" You roll your eyes, "What happened between us is over. Its been over!" "Um-hum. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Nuru crossed her arms. "You're lucky I missed you." You glare at her. She laughs a little.

She turned to Varian and Quirin, "Varian and Quirin, right?" She asked, the two nodded, "Cool. Why are you guys on an adventure?" Before either of them could say anything, you spoke, "Varian is Ulla's son and Quirin's her husband!" "No. Way!" Nuru's jaw drops. "Yes way! Now are you in or not?" You ask. "Totally!" She exclaims.

After Lots Of Traveling And Nuru Getting To Know Varian And Quirin Better And After Getting Yong And Explaining It All To Him And Him Worshipping Varian Since Varian Is Awesome, It Was Finally Time To Get The Biggest Flirt Of All Time: Hugo (Wow, That's A Long Title For A Time Skip)

As you walked ahead of everyone else, while looking at the map, Nuru came up to you, "You've been acting weird since its been time to get Hugo. What's wrong?"

"I, uh, its nothing." You look away. Nuru put a hand on your shoulder. "Fine." You start, "I have a huge crush on Varian. Although Hugo could make me instantly fall for him. I want to date Varian, but Hugo could make my feelings change. I-I don't know what to do." "Oh! I knew it! You love Varian!" Nuru yells. "Shut up! He could hear you." You shush her. "Alright, alright. I won't tell him." Nuru gives in. "Thank you." You look back to your map.

After a while of walking, you finally came upon a cave.

"What are we doing here?" Varian asks. "Getting the last member of our group." You explain, not taking your eyes off the cave.
"Oh! You mean Hu-" You cut off Yong. "We know his name, Yong." "Sorry." He apologizes." "N-No. Its fine." You say.

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