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"I- I'm not sure what that means," You stammer, words muffled from the gas mask you wore around your face. It was a heavy, bulky thing, but it brought down the sudden abrasive smells to a minimum. Philza stood before you, but without a mask on his own face. His expression was tightly knitted as he dug through multiple journals and papers scattered in his chests and along his table. "What did you call it?"

"A Dynamic," the man breathed a sigh of relief as he stood up fully, shaking a book lightly in your direction as he did so. "I've seen this before, but that was centuries ago. And never like this, never so rapid. " You winced as Philza walked by, tasting something like heat spreading across your soft pallet and nose. It smelled like burning grass and dirty water, felt like anxiety and fear. You didn't know what was going on in the slightest, so you gave the book a try.

You cracked it open, brushing some of the dust from the cover. A Guide to Your Inner Dynamic in bold, stamped letters across the leather. Through the mask, you could smell honey and smoke, a man from long ago. You didn't know how you could tell, but all this new information coming from one sense was giving you a headache. You thumbed through a few pages, landing on one with the word Omega along the top.

You recall what had happened when you brought that damned flower back to Phil. He looked shocked, then covered his mouth and nose as he snatched the plant from you to toss it out the window. You had cursed at him, demanding what was his deal? You wiped the leftover pollen on your pants as he rambled something about needing to contain the spread, but you were too pissed to care. Then, Phil turned to you sharply and barked out for you to head upstairs, and the smell of riverside camps and concentrated green tea smacked you in the face, shoving you to your knees as you coughed and dry-heaved.

Phil had shoved the mask onto your face and rubbed the base of your wrist with a feverish intensity, cursing to himself. " Why the hell is it so sudden?!" He shook his head as he spoke, and shushed you when you looked up with teary eyes. Your entire body felt hot and a twisting, painful sensation took over you. You managed to grab a bin and tear your mask back off as you retched, missing the way Phil plastered his sleeves back over his wrists before rubbing your back. When you could look back up, he guided your face into the crook of his neck. You took a deep, greedy breath and were suddenly filled with the comforting feeling of safe and loved and protected before your brain shut down and you passed out in the man's arms.

You had awoken in the same place, the mask back around your head and your headache a little more bearable. That's when Philza had started his panicked pacing. You looked back down to the page, and began to read.

The Omega is the rarest of the three dynamics, roughly making up around twenty percent of the current population. They are more in tune with the world around them, letting them care for children with natural ease. Omegas are incredibly sensitive to scent and mood changes, so if you're mated with a skittish Omega, try to keep a level head as to not cause too much distress to your partner. A happy Omega makes a happy home!

"This is what you said I would be?" You asked, tracing your finger over the word. "What does it mean?"

"It-" Phil halted, grinding his teeth as protect them, shelter, keep safe radiated from the man, You shook your head free of it, not the time.

"...Back when I was still King of the Arctic, one of my advisors had recommended something to me." He turned his back to you, opening the windows along the walls of the house. "He had brought home an elixir for me to take, that would make my voice more powerful and my citizens more eager to listen to me. I was a fool, mate."

"What did it do?" You asked, quiet and small.

"It made me change, but not like the others." He rubbed his hand across his face as he sighed. "I got the better end of the stick, maybe it was cause I took the elixir directly. But it spread like a pandemic, got everyone I interacted with near deathly ill. My people started not knowing who they even were anymore, they were desperate for the changes to stop." He cleared his throat, a slight pink hue taking over his face as he spoke. "It's something like a wolf hierarchy if you know anything about that."

"Not necessarily, but I can look into it." You nodded and then pointed to your mask. "So why do I need this and you don't?"

"So, you're an Omega, as far as I can tell," Phil began, offering his hand out to you. You took it, and stifled a gasp when he brought your wrist to his nose. He hummed as his eyes fluttered shut, staying near your skin. "You're not as sweet as I thought you'd be, but there's definitely some fruit in there."

"Sweet?" You stammered, feeling flushed and uncertain. You'd never really been shy around Philza before, so why was your instinct to curl up in a ball and hide your face? He let out an affirming grunt before he spoke again.

"Omega's commonly have scents like sugar or sweets, but you have-" He took another deep inhale before withdrawing from your skin. His eyes looked a little glazed over. "Raspberries. I got that sour feeling in the back of my mouth. It's... nice." You looked up at him, still feeling rather shy, but something else in you wanted you to pull yourself into Philza, to tuck your head into his chest where you knew you'd be protected and safe. You shook your head, shocked at yourself for those thoughts. What was with you?

"So, what's with the mask then?" You gestured to the clunky filter around your nose and mouth. "More, I guess, why do I need it and you don't?"

"I was afraid it might be overwhelming for you at first, it's just a precaution." He watched the way you fidgeted with the silicone seem that ran across your face, itching across your skin. You look restless, flushed. He swallowed back a greedy part of him that wanted to let you free and take in the world around you, his Beta screaming at him for keeping such a pretty Omega under lock and key. He put a hand on your shoulder and felt the heat radiating from you, and cursed to himself. It was already starting.

"Listen," He said softly, and you found yourself leaning into his touch. You didn't know you felt so touch-starved. "I can't... take care if you the best. Let's go to Techno, alright? He'll be able to help."

"M'kay," You slurred, feeling drowsy and warm. You lifted Phil's hand up to your jaw, just beneath the mask and nuzzled into it the best you could. You heard him gasp lowly and move his other hand to your face.

"We're gonna help you, Omega, you'll be safe. Drift off, you're okay."

And you did.

Did You Ruin Me? (Technoblade x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now