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The best time of the day.

Im always here sitting, waiting for the sun to set. The sounds of the waves that serves as lullabies to my ears. The beautiful sun that brings joy to my eyes.

It always reminds me of him.

He loves sunset.

Its been a year since he choose to leave me, but the pain is still here.


Are you done?

I look at him What do you think? I said and show him my final look

Hmm, thats okay. Eh? I look at him, brows furrowed

He look at me, confused.

Come on, I dont want to miss it. He said and grab my hands

Sunday is our best day.

Its our day. Eating in our favorite restaurant, watching movies and of course, watching the sun to set in our favorite beach resort. Were always there every Sunday.

As soon as we arrive, we immediately went inside the restaurant to eat. It was a good lunch. Were just talking a random stuff.

Were done eating, so we decided to leave to watch the new released movie. When I was about to stand I feel like my legs are trembling and my vision became blurry. He then cross the distance between us.

Worry and confused is visible in his damn beautiful eyes.

Hey? Whats wrong? he asked Should I take you home?

Eric, Im fine. Dont worry about me. Besides, I dont want to miss the sunset later. Its our only day to watch it together.

He sighed Okay lets skip the movie for today and go straight to the beach? I nodded

My body seemed to suddenly weaken. I dont know whats happening and I dont want to ruin our day. Maybe Ill think about it later.

Its too early when we arrive so we decided to have a cup of coffee.

You look pale. He said.

I swear love, Im fine. Lets just enjoy this day. I said.

The sun is setting love! Lets go! I grab his hand and run up to the shore. I took my phone and take some pictures.

Its really beautiful. I said

Yeah. He whisper, but when I turn to him hes looking at me. I averted my gaze. Gosh its suffocating

He then come closer to me and hug me from behind. I hold his hands on my stomach. Damn Im deeply in love with this man.

My Favorite SunsetWhere stories live. Discover now