"Marry me, Arielle... I have no need for a valet, but I have every need for you."

She bit back a smile. "I will take my chances that I will not be tossed from the top of the city."

"Think yourself special, do you? Well, have I news for you," Belle rose from her chair and stalked toward her, "I care not how much Thorin might think he needs a valet. You will be gone as soon as I am his wife."

Arielle didn't move. She didn't flinch. All she did was say, "Again, I will take my chances."

"You will be sorry."

Arielle let her grin follow Belle as Belle flounced by her and slammed out of the infirmary. But, once the door shut, she let out a low sigh. For a moment, she'd thought Belle was going to hit her again and if she had, Arielle would have had no choice but to really pummel her. And fortunately for her, Elen had taught her how to throw more than one type of punch when they were younger, or so she didn't doubt Belle would be the worse for the wear. Even so, she didn't think either Narnerra or Thorin would think too highly of her starting a brawl in the infirmary.

A soft silence settled over the waiting area. She couldn't hear what Thorin might be saying, or what Narnerra might be saying in return. Not that she tried. It was simply she was concerned over his well-being.

Then the door opened and Thorin emerged, his tunic in his hand. "So, you don't think I need to be too concerned?"

"I didn't say that, Your Highness. Try what I suggested—alternate heat and cold, try to limit too much stress on the joint itself and we will revisit it in another four weeks or so."

He tugged the tunic over his head and when he emerged, said, "Now, if you wouldn't mind taking a look at Elen's hand and his cheek."

"Of course." Narnerra turned to her, her blue eyes friendly. "I heard about what happened." She gestured to Belle's vacated chair. "Sit and let me see."

Arielle moved to the chair and Narnerra carefully tilted her face up. A low hiss leaked through her teeth as the healer probed at the bruise on her cheek. "I beg your pardon," Narnerra said softly, "but I need to be able to feel through the swelling."

From the corner of her eye, Arielle saw Thorin leaning against the desk, arms folded, expression serious. "Do you think it's broken?"

"It might be," Narnerra replied without looking up, "but even if it is, there is nothing I can do for it."

She straightened up. "Now, let me see your hand."

Arielle held out her hand, fighting off a wince as Narnerra manipulated her fingers and a hot sting spread toward her wrist. Thorin tensed, coming away from the desk, which had her silently urging him to remain quiet and still. If he showed too much concern, he'd arouse the healer's suspicions.

But he said nothing, nor did he move, although she didn't miss the tension winding across his shoulders as Narnerra straightened all five fingers at the same time and Arielle yelped. "I beg your pardon," Narnerra said softly. "And while I cannot rule a fracture out entirely, I daresay it's only bruised as well. Ice it until the stiffness goes away, try limit using your hand when possible, and you should be fine as well."

"Thank you." Arielle tugged her hand free and rose.

"Of course. And make certain His Highness does as I've told him unless he wishes to lose use of that arm!"

"I'll do my best." Arielle grinned up at him. "But he is notoriously stubborn at times."

"I promise you both I will try to curtail my stubbornness where this is concerned," Thorin moved to the door and opened it, "so there will be no need to nag me and whatever you do, do not tell my sister."

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