Chapter #2 explanation and planning

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(3rd Pov)

Y/n woke up from his alarm. It was Saturday so he didn't have to worry about school and he finished all his homework. he sat up on the couch and started thinking.

Y/n: 'Okay... So I got three girls in my home who are capable of killing me, maybe not Ruby but I can't rule her out... I need one of them on my side for protection, but who gonna wake up first? Akame will immediately get me on the floor and start asking me questions, but she might kill me when she get them. Ruby should be more considerate, but I doubt she can go against Akame... or Lucia since she probably sparred against Ayla.... but then there's Lucia herself... would she actually hear me out? She only listen's to her commandment. I am hers in game, but I'm not the same one as she knows, we choose what we say sometimes but the game already described us based on the options.'

He stopped thinking when he heard footsteps and my heart stopped in slight fear. He felt someones gaze behind him and turned around but saw no one. He look down at the floor... and saw rose petals. He took in a breath, hoping she will hear him out.

Y/n: I know your there, your petals are a give away. I'm not armed, I don't plan on hurting you. I'm sure you saw the posters in my room, but I can explain... Please come out... Ruby.

There was some shuffling and he turned to see Ruby walking out of a corner. She was looking at him with caution. He smiled at her.

Y/n: Wants some cookies?

She seems to had a spark of joy in her eyes before shaking her head and looking at him with a finger pointed in his direction.

Ruby: I don't know how you know my name or my favorite food! But I can't be rude and refuse! Don't think this mean I trust you!

Y/n: Calm down, I don't expect you to. There are cookies in the cupboard, I need to check on the others.

Ruby: Others? My team!?

Y/n: Sorry, no. Your team should still be in Remnant.

He says as he walk into the hallway.

Ruby:.... wut?

He look back at her over his shoulder.

Y/n: Welcome to earth Ruby.

He visits Lucia first. He crack open the door and look in. She was still in bed sleeping, He walks in until he was beside the bed. He always saw her on the main menu of the game, but seeing her this close... she was really pretty, especially with her red tip bangs. Subconsciously he moved some of her soft hair out of the way of her eyes. After he tuck her hair in place, he noticed something. he was so deep into his own world he failed to realize during his hand movement... that her eyes had opened. They were now staring at each other, his hand still on her hair. He didn't yank his hand away like others would do. Instead he calmly removed his hand with out breaking eye contact. He continued to stare at her.

Y/n: I'm glad your finally awake, Lucia. Are you okay?

She slightly narrowed her eyes, then spoke cautiously.

Lucia: How do you know my name? Who are you? Where am I?

Y/n: I'll explain soon. My name Y/n L/n. Your in my home, you appeared out of nowhere in my living room, unconscious. Can you sit up.

She stares at him for a moment before doing so. 

Y/n: I'll ask again, are you okay? Nothing hurt'n, nothing sore?

Her expression then softens seeing my concerned eyes. She look away.

Lucia: I'm fine, thank you for your concern, Sir.

My red little cuties. Ruby/ Akame/ Lucia/ Alpha X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now