Chapter 2

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After a 14 hour train trip we had arrived to the southeast part of Norway. I took Feather and Snowflake out of their boxes and jumped on while Hugo was paying the tickets for the way.

When Hugo had paid he jumped on Snowflake and we galopt to the forest. We galopt for some hours and took some breaks.

- Are you sure we're going the right way? Hugo asked.

- No but we need to start somewhere and we have to try, I then said.

- Can we atleast take a 10 minute break? he asked.

- Okay fine, I said and we took some water and a piece of bread.

After our break we kept galloping until we came to a frozen lake.

I got down on my knees and looked into the lake, when I saw something or someone swimming under the thin ice. It looked like it had a srak blue dress on and dark brown hair was up in a big messy bun, or not a messy one but underwater it looked kinda messy.

I went to Feather and took an axe and tried to break the thin ice but for some reason it would not break. I stopped and started to think, then I realised that it was her, the one and only Phoenix. There had to be a way to make her wake up and rise from the lake.

- We have to do something, we have to make her wake up, I said with a tear in my eye.

- Take a deep breath and think about what the mermaid, creature whatever it was said to you that night, he said

He was right. I had to think, what cold the mermaid creature said that could help us wake her up.

- Think Alex, think uhmmm, I thought in my head and then it hit me.

- The word, I said with a high voice.

- What words Alex, Hugo asked me.

- The words the mermaid said to me. The prophecy, the prophecy she told me before the dark creature came, I said.

- Uhmmm when darkness falls and there is no light left, find the girl with the rainbow wings and a golden turner, turn the time to find help and help all the creatures that have been taken and hurt.

I got down on my knees and started to break the thin ice again and said the prophecy ones again.

- When darkness falls and there is no light left, find the girl with the rainbow wings and a golden turner, turn the time to find help and help all the creatures that have been taken and hurt.

The ice broke and a strong white light shined from the vacke and then she raised from the vacke. Me and Hugo flew back thanks to the bright light that came from her.

I tried to look at her when she was waking up but it was hard because of the bright light but after awhile she came down to consciousness.

- Are you guys okay? she asked

- Were fine, you shine so bright that it's hard to see anything, I said

- Oh I'm so sorry I-I didn't know, she said with a sorely voice

- No no it's fine, but the world need your help that's why we're here, I said

- That's why we're here, to wake you up and to turn back the time and get help.

She looked at me with a weird face and said

- What are you? she asked

I looked at her and said

- I'm a human, just a normal human, like you were

She turned to the side and started thinking about something, I don't know what she was thinking about but after a couple of minutes she said

- If you're not a magical creature then how did you get the prophecy that wakes me up?

- A mermaid looking creature, I said

- Where did you meet the mermaid?

- In a river down in northern Finland, I said

- Why are you asking me this? The world needs your help. It should not matter what I am and were I got the prophecy from, all that matters is to save the world from the dark creature

She looked shocked at me and came a little closer to me and asked me

- The Dark Lord of the Seven Seas is back?

- I don't know if it was him or not but all the magical creature are in danger and they need you and your crew

- My crew is gone, she said fast

- What do you mean by gone, you guys have a connection. Your turner is an undestroyable connection between you and your crew.

- They were annihilated. We all got

- That was why you were under the ice, I said

- That's why I couldn't break the ice, without the prophecy

- Alex, Hugo said

- It's not gonna help, he then said

- In fact it actually did, she said

- What do you mean Phoenix, I said ununderstanding

Phoenix did not respond, she just stood there and looked down on her chest and took out here golden turner and I think she pushed something that made it turn very slowly

- What are you doing, I asked quietly

- If i still have some kind of connection with my crew, I have to get to the silver mountain in the southeast part in Greenland.

- Is it in Greenland, but I thought, I said

-Lots of people think it is in the southeast part of Norway but it's actually in Greenland.

- The climate is so cold that only a few people can survive to get there, well not me cuz I have my necklace and powers that protect me from the cold.

- So we can't help you to get there? I asked

- You can but you need to know a protection charm, but I don't think none of us know one.

- I read about those but they are hard to learn and master, so no, I said with a sad voice.

- Maybe there is another way, Phoenix said.

- What do you mean Phoenix, Hugo said.

- You will see, Phoenix said proudly.

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