See the groom? Wait... Did beeji?

What the hell! I am tired of this shit. When for two months she didn't make me meet any guy I thought she stopped this malpractice of hers but little did I know. And even after two months, she found him? Headless pigeon? I won't ever marry this guy because he is already happily married and has a son.

~so you would have married him if he wasn't married.

No. Never. I wouldn't have married this playboy ever. He loves to play with others' feelings. He loves to make a mockery out of sweet bondings.

"Who is married? " He looked confused.

And the Oscar goes to him.

What was with so much acting? he could have directly said I am bored with my wife and want another one to entertain my desires.

When did he turn so ugly?

"You tell me why would you do that? Are not you satisfied? You want a mistress right? Want me as one of your mistresses"

My heart broke with every word I said, tears threatened to fall.

" Shut up" He roared making me flinch but  I wanted to hurt him for hurting me. I wanted to break him as broken I was for all these years.

"Why should I?"

"Sakshi is my sister" He said gritting his teeth, I felt my heart stop beating.

What? Oh shit! I messed up. Everything was making sense now.

How could I? I insulted the pure relation of a brother and sister.

I should not have assumed things.
What did I do?

He smiled at me sadly with his red eyes, he was throwing a questioning look at me.

It pricked me. I wanted to correct myself. Say sorry to him but it felt difficult.

"I... I " I tried to say but he cut me off.

"I know what you thought. What can I expect from you? you love playing with people's emotions isn't it?" he faked laughed.

I never played with his emotions. It was him who played with my emotions. How can he?

I was angry, I was hurt I myself didn't know what I wanted.

He picked up another shot, don't know what came to my mind  I snatched it from his hand almost landing on his lap in the process.

His hair was falling on his forehead, he gazed at me with his red-teary eyes. His strong cologne was making me lose my senses. His one hand was wrapped around my waist and the other on the vodka glass I was holding. There was so much to say but none of us wanted to start. I wanted to slap him, kick him, scratch his face but I wanted to hug him too. I wanted him to mend all the destruction he did.
Tears formed in the corner of my eyes remembering our moments. The dreams I saw for both of us.

His eyes were saying so much, filled with so much intensity that I shivered under his gaze.

We were lost in each other's eyes when we heard a sudden flash.
Beeji clicked our picture when we were drowning in each other's eyes
We separated quickly looking here and there.

"They are looking so good" beeji said making heart of her eyes.

She was looking at both of us in awe and Dadu beside her was looking at her in aww.

We both hung our heads low, not knowing what to say.

" So it's a yes? " Dadu chirped happily.

"They are showering kisses on each other. Of course, it's a yes" Beeji clapped making my cheeks heat up. From my peripheral view, I could see his ears getting red.

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