"Well, yeah. Sh-t, I'm not about to let anyone f-ing hurt you or Karl."

Sapnap could feel the pounding in his chest. So Quackity did care about them afterall! He'd spent so much time convincing himself that he didn't when he didn't join them in Kinoko Kingdom. But maybe, just maybe... Quackity needed a place to live now that he'd been kicked out of Las Nevadas, why not back with them? He'd face Dream and Wilbur a hundred times if-

He noticed the silver ring glinting from Quackity's left third finger and his heart sank. "You got married?" Sapnap managed to ask through the lump that threatened to close his throat.

Quackity glanced at his ring. "Yeah. Yeah, I did."

"To who?"

"Wilbur f-ing Soot. And before you say anything, yes, he did f-ck me over but él es mi marido y mi amor and that's not f-ing changing if I have anything to f-ing say about it."

The words hurt so much more than he'd thought they would. He couldn't even fake a smile and pretend to be happy for Quackity like he'd planned for this moment in his mind. He'd expected Quackity would move on, someday, but this?! Wilbur wanted him dead and here he was professing his undying love for that very same man. "What do you want me to say?" Sapnap said.

"I don't f-ing want you to say anything about it."

Sapnap fought back the burn of tears. He could keep it together. At least, he could until the thunder stopped. The walk home was going to be hell, though. He hoped it kept raining. That way the weather would match his mood.

It was better Karl wasn't here; Sapnap could figure out a way to break it to him gently. Maybe over dinner. They'd have to figure out this rumor of an attack from Las Nevadas, too. Planning a possible defense would help distract them.

No, he couldn't do it! "Wilbur ordered you dead! How can you say that?"

"He didn't order me dead. If anyone wants me dead, it's Dream."

"Didn't you..." Sapnap's eyes grew wide. "You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Oh f-ck me!" Sapnap ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "You don't know, do you? Quackity, Wilbur put out an order for your arrest and execution two days ago. You and Tubbo and Tommy."

"Eh?" Tommy turned his attention from chatting with Tubbo to them.

"What?" Quackity said.

"Look, you can see for yourself." Sapnap swiped across his phone screen and Wilbur appeared in front of a podium, the casino behind him.

"Quackity is guilty of numerous crimes against Las Nevadas and the continent on which it sits. Anyone caught assisting the fugitive, Quackity, will be executed until they are dead. Any nation that gives him aid or comfort will be committing an act of war against Las Nevadas and can expect retaliation in kind. We will not rest until Quackity and his companions, Tubbo and Tommy Innit, have been brought to justice." Wilbur said.

"Sh-t!" Tommy cried.

"They've arrested Eret for helping you, his execution is going to be in two days."


Quackity's knees gave out. He fell to the ground, landing hard, not that he could feel it. Or anything.

"Big Q!" Tubbo cried, rushing over to him.

He swatted Tubbo away. "Get the f-ck away from me!" Quackity shouted. Tubbo retreated to the entrance.

The Blinding Light of Sunrise - TNT Duo Dream SMP AU FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang