august 8th, 1998

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His heart was beating out of his chest, his thoughts running circles through his mind as he blinked rapidly. His head was fuzzy, going back and forth with himself trying to decide if this was real. If she was real, because she had just died in front of him. The nurses surrounding them all watched with wide eyes, everyone standing silent as the girl before them moved slightly on the bed.

His hand was still locked in hers, feeling the grip on his hand change slightly with the moves she made. Her body was slow, moving so softly that if Harry hadn't been studying her so closely... it would have been missed entirely.

His lips partly slightly, tears streaming down his face as he felt three light squeezes overwhelm the feeling in his clammy hand. He stayed still, afraid that if he even moved an inch she would break. So he simply stood completely and utterly still, desperately trying to keep from hurting her at all.

But then she opened her eyes, and he swore in that moment nothing else mattered. Because she was okay, she was alive. The girl he loved more than anything in this life time was holding onto his hand with all of her might. Yet, even though he couldn't see her through the tears blurring his vision... she was breathtakingly beautiful.

"Marley," Luke whispered, his voice so quiet it almost went unheard completely as he took a step closer.

She was confused, taking a long deep breath as she blinked slowly. She looked down at her hand in his, smiling softly before she looked back up at her brother and instantly lit up the room with her smile.

"Hey, Luke."

With just two words, the weight of the world seemingly lifted off of every single person's shoulders. The air of hopelessness leaving the room completely as a sigh of relief escaped Luke's lips.

He moved slowly, blinking the tears in his eyes away before he walked over to the other side of her bed. He stared at her for a moment, everyone watching with smiles wide on their faces before the boy let out the loudest sob Harry thought he had ever heard. He collapsed onto the bed, his shoulders shaking as Marley released her hold from Harry's hand and wrapped her arms around her brother's shoulders.

Cole followed instantly, crying loudly as he jumped onto his sister's bed, crawling into her lap, and burying his head into her neck.

"Hey, hey," she whispered softly, her voice cracking as she swallowed loudly. "I'm alright guys, it's okay. We're okay."

Harry was still stood completely still, his mind not being to able to process what was happening. He could hear her voice, he knew she was awake, but for some reason— he couldn't get it out of his mind that he was dreaming. That in an instant he was going to wake up from this dream and become snapped back into the reality that she was gone.

The nurses left the room in a frenzy, quickly leaving for what Harry could only assume was to get the doctor. But even after they left he stayed still, knowing not to trust himself. Because this was all simply too be good to be true.

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