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 Adrian gently placed his hand over mine as I tapped out a rhythm-less pattern on my knee. I looked up at him and gave him a tight smile.

“That tapping was making me nervous.” He said quietly, not wanting to be too loud in the small waiting area. There was another couple in the corner who kept throwing looks at us. It was disconcerting but they didn't seem to be harmless. Eventually, another doctor came for them and they both left, taking the tension with them.

As soon as they were out the area, Adrian let out a breath.

“This was a bad idea.” He repeated for the millionth time that morning, but of course his voice was quiet. “We shouldn't have come.”

“They would have found us, Adrian.” I replied for the millionth and one time that morning. “How many times do we have to have this argument?”

He shut up after that.

I looked up at the clock and jumped when I saw Dr Bourne materialise underneath it.

“Marilyn?” He asked, smiling. “Are you ready?”

“I suppose.” I said, giving him a good-natured smile back. We stood up but Dr Bourne put a hand out towards Adrian.

“I'm afraid only Marilyn is needed for this.” He said still smiling, but now the smile was tight and I felt dread prickle on my skin.

“But I want Adrian there with me.” I replied, standing between them. The last thing we needed was an excuse for them to kick him out of the hospital.

“He isn't needed Marilyn.” Dr Bourne repeated harshly. A few bodies materialised in the waiting area and I felt sweat bead on my palms.

This wasn't good.

Something wasn't right.

“What are you going to do?” I whispered, staring at Dr Bourne, wide eyed and horrified.

“HEY!” Adrian shouted. My head snapped to look at him and I saw three people hauling him out of the area, towards the lift.

“ADRIAN!” I shouted, starting towards him but hand gripped my arms and held me back. A sharp pain in my neck shut me up efficiently.

“Just close your eyes, Marilyn. It'll be over soon.”

The world faded to black.

My eyes twitched open.

The lights were too bright and the material covering me was too scratchy.

My first thought was that maybe I'd gotten just a bit too drunk the night before. It'd happened before when the four of us had given in to a bar's enchanting lights but this felt different.

My headache was non-existent and my muscles felt sore.

It took me a moment to recognise the clothing as hospital robes and the lights as florescent.

The hospital.

Suddenly I felt sick and tried to get up but thick material was tied around my legs. My bad feeling was suddenly multiplying.

The door to the room opened and I froze.

“You're awake.” Dr Bourne said tonelessly. I guessed the time of pleasantries was over.

Get me out of this you fucker.” I hissed, going with my primitive instinct to show anger instead of my fear.

“Marilyn, the tests were positive so we went ahead with the experiment-”

“LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!” I screamed, interrupting his monotonous speech.

“The experiment was successful and the embryo has now been implanted in your uterus. Congratulations, Marilyn, you're expecting.” Dr Bourne said, ignoring everything I said. He had a slight smile on his face and I was suddenly filled with pure hatred.

I stilled completely and waited for him to come closer. Quickly, he undid the restraints but I stayed where I was until his guard was completely down.

As soon as I saw the sign, my arm snapped out and I gripped his throat. His eyes widened with fear and I clenched my fist hard enough for him to gasp but not hard enough to do permanent damage.

I grinned at him and pulled him close. The fear in his eyes was strangely satisfying.

All the hate, all the fer, all the suspicions over since this bastard had entered my life rose to the surface and I let it overwhelm me.

You had better pray I manage to kill you right away.” I hissed, feeling something strange wash over me. Revenge felt good when you'd been put through hell to get there.

My eyes quickly scanned the room and I picked up the first shiny, pointy thing I could. I didn't give myself enough time for doubt before I plunged it into his neck.

My clothes were on the desk so I quickly changed, ignoring the dying man and the growing pool on the floor.

Just as I turned to leave, I looked back at the man. His eyes were wide and he looked pale. Carefully, I avoided the poll on the floor and squatted down by his head.

“After all the Hell you put me and Adrian through, this isn't even near to what you deserve. You experimented on me, manipulated me, made me feel unsafe, kept me unemployed and dependant, and then to top it all off. You put some embryo in me just because you could. If you don't bleed out first, I hope you live long enough to understand how much you should regret ever treating me the way you did.” I said calmly, just looking at the man. A thin layer of sweat had broken out on his forehead.

I stood up and turned to leave, making sure I left no obvious evidence, when I heard a quiet voice behind me.

“You don't... understand...”

“I don't need to. You hurt me, and now you're going to die.”

“The baby... it's father...”

“If I ever meet the other half of this embryo, they'll end up like you. And don't call it a baby. It's not staying.”

The door fell shut as I left the hospital ward and calmly called for a lift. 

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