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 “What time did you say you'd be home?” Zola asked, gently stroking my arm. We lay under the sheets, holding each other.

“Before dark.” I said, letting my fingers gently trace the curve of her spine. Our clothes lay around the bed messily.

“So we still have time.” Zola said happily, shifting closer on the mattress, holding me even closer.

“Thank goodness it's Saturday, right?” I mumbled, running my hand through her hair.

“Hmm.” She agreed, fitting her head into the curve of my collar.

We stayed like that for a few hours, sometimes doing more energetic activities, but mostly just soaking up each other's company. Days like this were rare.

The alarm went off far too early.

Two hours until curfew. Two and a half until nightfall.

“I have to go.” I said quietly, standing up and collecting my clothes from the floor. Zola sat up on the bed, not bothering to pull the sheet up to cover her chest. Her confidence was one of the things I loved most about her.

“You can't stay? Not even a little longer?” Zola asked, watching me furiously pull my clothes back on.

“I need to get back to the apartment.” I said, buttoning my jeans up and tugging the hoodie on, bypassing the shirt altogether. Zola stood up and walked behind me as I pulled my boots. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

“I'll miss you.” She murmured against my back. I stood up straight and turned in her arms to face.

“I'll miss you too.” I said, kissing her. The kiss was a promise. That I'd be back. That we'd see each other again. That maybe one day we'd be able to meet up for more than just a few hours.

Zola sighed and relaxed into me. Eventually, I forced myself to step back.

“I'll see you soon.” I said, quickly leaving the apartment.

I made sure no one was around and walked home, hands in my pockets, keeping my head down.

The sun had barely started setting but I walked quickly, avoiding people as much as I could, going to far as to take back streets just to avoid a crowd.

Potential threats less unnerving than a crowd of 'normal' people.

That said a lot.

I kept my mind busy by replaying the afternoon in my head, making sure my features were schooled enough to not betray any emotion. I liked myself better when I kept my outer shell hardened. Made life easier.

I walked up to the apartment mechanically, knocking on the door three times then once more. Adrian opened the door a moment later.

“Good afternoon?” He said, stepping aside and quickly closing the door behind me. Adrian took no chances.

“It was. Yours?” I asked, spying a stray shirt over the back of a kitchen chair. I turned and gave Adrian a small smirk.

“I had a nice afternoon. Very relaxing.” Adrian said, ignoring my smirk. I nodded, swiping the shirt off the back of the chair.

“Sounds nice. But I'm sure Kyle's a bit cold without his shirt.” I said, holding the shirt up for Adrian to see. Laughter erupted from the bedroom and a shirtless Kyle walked out, his face a bit flushed.

“Kyle it's not that funny.” Adrian said in a deadpan voice, obviously embarrassed.

“God Adrian, you try to be so sneaky, but Marilyn always knows better.” Kyle said, wiping a tear from his lidded eyes. I smiled triumphantly at Adrian, who just muttered something and rolled his eyes.

“Kyle, I hate to destroy the moment, but it's almost curfew.” I said, sobering him up. He took his shirt form my outstretched arm and speedily pulled on the rest of his clothes.

I left the room and shut myself in the bedroom, straightening it out as I waited to hear the front door close. They needed their privacy.

The door closed and I heard Adrian flop onto the sofa. I gave him a few minutes before re-entering the living space.

“I'll start dinner. How does pasta sound?” I asked, walking over to the stove and pulling out pots and ingredients. Adrian didn't move from the sofa, so I began cooking, letting the silence sit between us. It felt far too tense.

Adrian was too silent.

Something had happened.

“So, about tomorrow,” I started, dumping mince into a pan and beginning to brown it. “I've been thinking that I don't want you to take any more time off work just for me and my appointments-”

“No.” Adrian snapped. His voice was so sharp that I almost dropped the spatula I was using. I spun and looked at him: he was sat up on the sofa, looking at me.

He must have seen something in my expression because he immediately unwound.

“Marilyn, I'll take as much time as I want off work to support you. We're Partners. You'd do the same for me.” Adrian said softly, standing up and walking over to me. His hand barely grazed my arm but it was comforting, nonetheless.

“If you say so.” I mumbled, knowing that Adrian only said half of what he meant. And now he knew something I didn't. Something bad.

“Here, let my help with dinner.” He said, starting to boil water for the pasta. I returned to the meat, adding the sauce and a few meagre herbs. (The luxurious, fresh herbs were too costly for what they were: genetically-modified and bland).

We cooked with little said between us, only small requests for ingredients. The food was served and we decided to eat on the sofa.

The crackly television in the corner was playing a strange game-show which we idly watched as we ate, making idle comments every so often to each other. We finished quickly and I offered to do the washing up, which Adrian took me up on.

The evening stayed like that: barely broken silence with underlying tension that made my nerves ache from the strain.

Eventually I caught myself yawning and decided the day was over.

“I'm going to bed. You coming?” I asked, standing up and pulling my hoodie on. It was too expensive to keep the heating on all night and the bionics could get very cold.

“Yeah.” Adrian said, standing up and stretching his arms.

We walked into the bedroom and changed into sleepwear. Adrian slid into the bed first. I went into the bathroom and washed my face, deciding to shower in the morning. I tied my hair up out of my face and noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

Slowly, I tilted my head and saw a patch of metal on the base of my neck, hidden by most shirt necklines.

I left the bathroom and crawled into the bed, pulling the blanket over me tightly. Adrian opened his arms and I scooted forwards, making sure we had equal blanket. Adrian mumbled his 'good nights' before closing his eyes and dropping off almost instantly.

But I stayed awake a bit longer, churning everything over in my mind. Eventually, some invisible forced pulled me into sleep and I let my mind go blank.

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