The London Institute

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Clary and the crew approached the towering building, the London institute. The structure was almost as grand as Buckingham Palace itself.

"Welcome my pets, to the London institute." Magnus said waving his arms, as the sun reflected off his rhinestone encrusted coat.

"Magnus, cool it your blinding me." Jace said squinting.

"Hush hush Blondie. These are traditional English dressing robes. I wore these many many years ago." Magnus snapped.

"Don't listen to them, I love it. " Alec said adorably.
"Are you sure it's the coat you love or the warlock in the coat." Isabelle asked teasingly.
Magnus chuckled and gave Alec a peck on the cheek.
Magnus approached the doors in an attempt to make a dramatic entrance, but the doors wouldn't open. Classic. Only someone with Shadowhunter blood can open the door. Alec put his hand on Magnus's and opened the door.
"Peasants. Your new Warlock of the Year has arrived." Magnus announced loudly. A man came hurrying down the stairs. He quickly took a scan of the room and said " Ah. Magnus! Pleasure to see you Mr.Bane, we are so thankful to have you staying here at the institute." The man said rapidly shaking Magnus's hand. Alec glared at him.
"This is Arthur Blackthorn. He is head of the institute here in London." Magnus explained.
"Well, for now." Arthur added. "I'll be moving to Los Anglos soon, to take care of my nieces and nephews, and their friend Emma." There was a pang of sorrow in Clary's eyes as she said
"Is that friend by any chance Emma Carstairs?"
He looked impressed as he replied
"Yes actually, she's going to be parabiati with my nephew Julian. Pity what that poor girl went through, so young. But, I guess that's what lodes of ShadowHunters are going through now, including my late brothers children, after the Endarkened and Sebast---" he paused suddenly realizing who he was talking to.
"Well now that Helen's loyalties are in question, I'm all they've got." Jace took Clary's hand as she rested her head on his shoulder. He knew how much this must of hurt. Clary really cared for Emma. And all the Blackthorns. But it was her brother that caused them all this hell. And she hated him for it. She knows the Jonathan she saw in the final moments of his life was the brother she could of had, and could of loved. But Sebastian was who he became. And there is no fixing that. Magnus suddenly becoming aware of the dreary tension said "These are my guests. Alec Lightwood, my boyfriend, and his sister Isabelle." Alec nodded his head as Isabelle completely ignored the existence of this man and this conversation. Magnus continued his list
"Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild--"
"Fray." She corrected.
Magnus rolled his eyes and finished by saying " and their friend Simone." Simon tried to correct him, but by that time Arthur was already taking. Simone it is then, he thought to himself. Arthur looked astonished. "Fairchild? I'm almost positive a Fairchild ran the institute here back in the 1800s." Clary's jaw dropped. She was somewhat new to the Shadoworld and she hardly new anything about her Shadowhunter family, other than the Morgensterns. But knowing her mom's ancestors were head of the London institute was unbelievable.
"Really?!" Clary asked, it was all she could get out. She was speechless.
"Oh yes, I'm sure of it now. I belive it was a Charlotte Fairchild? Barnwell? I'm not sure what she went by. Ah, she was such a strong woman. A woman head of an institute in the 18oos was almost unheard of. I think she was even offered the position of Consul. Anyway, she was married to a Henry Fairchild, you know him inventor of the portal--" Clary's jaw dropped again.
"My ancestor invented portals!?" Clary asked with shock.
"Absolutely." He replied. "Hasn't anyone told you anything about your family? The Fairchilds' are great family Mrs.Clary. But, you seem to be living up to that family name exceptionally." Clary blushed.
"Ahh Yes Henry!! Such a great man. He was one of the few ShadowHunters I liked back then, he was a little eccentric, but that's what I liked about him." Magnus chimed in.
Clary looked annoyed.
"Magnus you new my ancestors?" She asked curiously.
"Of corse, I new all of your ancestors, well except yours Simone, your ancestors and I had adventures you wouldn't believe." Magnus bragged.
Clary looked momentarily confused.
"Wait." She said
" You had an adventures with ALL of our ancestors?"
Magnus looked annoyed.
" Yes, little girl, believe it or not there once was a time when Herondales, Fairchilds, and Lightwoods all lived under the same roof." Magnus said.
"And before you ask, No. You and Jace are not related." Magnus added. Clary and Jace both looked relived. Can't go through that sibling fiasco again.

"Ah yes the battle of the Infernal Devices." Arthur said fondly.
"The Herondales, Fairchilds, Lightwoods and Carstairs. They were an epic team, they were. They also teamed up with a warlock I think you know, Tessa Gray? Saved the world together I'll have you know. But that's a story for another time, if you would like you could read about it in the Institutes library. In the mean time lets take you to your rooms!" Arthur announced enthusiastically.
The whole group (except Magnus) seemed pretty bummed they didn't get to hear the story, but more relived they get to put all their heavy luggage away.
Simon felt a little left out since he didn't have a badass ancestor who saved the world. But after ascension he hoped maybe he could one day be that badass ancestor for his family line.

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