Holly's stern expression didn't let up, but she sighed again, looking at both girls, "Alright. We'll give you until the end of the summer to prove to us you can make this work. Jade, I'll tell your mother that we talked about this, but it'll be up to you to tell her if you're really going to stay or not. If this job of yours works out, we expect you to pay half the rent and 'earn your keep', as you said. Finally, I accept that you two are girlfriends, but as long as we're helping you pay rent here, you're roommates first. There are two bedrooms in this apartment, and I expect both of them to be used; as in one of you in each bedroom every night. Understood?" Now both Tori and Jade were blushing madly, knowing full well what Holly meant, as they nodded in agreement.

"Just because you two graduated high school, don't think you're ready for the working world just yet. It'll be tough, big record deal or not." She turned to Tori, who was visibly nervous that the conversation now shifted to her. "I trust Thornesmith will take care of your work, but you need to take care of yourself, too. Don't let yourself fall for anything that you don't feel safe about, got that?" Tori nodded, both with confidence and a bit of fear for what her mother could be referring to.

Holly then turned to Jade, "I want to trust you, Jade, I really do. From what you and Tori are saying, you're not going to take advantage of her like the last people she's dated, but it's up to you to prove that to me, David, and everyone. Not to mention some people here may not be...accepting...of a couple like you two. I'm sure you know what I mean."

Tori and Jade were fortunate to have grown up with friends, family, and teachers that were accepting of same-sex couples, but in a new city, they knew now that they couldn't rely on that comfort of familiar friends anymore. Accepting that risk, they nodded again, keeping their hands clasped strongly together.

Holly took one last look at her daughter and her girlfriend and finally gave them an assuring smile, "Now, with all that out of the way, let's eat before breakfast gets cold!" Everyone let out a big sigh of relief as they rushed to the dining table to dig into their respective meals.

After breakfast, Jade was sorting through potential clothes to "borrow" from Tori in her room while she and her parents sat together on the living room couch.

"You know," David chuckled as he took another sip of his coffee, "This at least takes care of finding you a roommate. We almost considered asking Trina to move here with you..."

Tori looked at her father with as much fear and disgust as when she watched The Scissoring.

"...but we assumed she'd mess with you working with Mason at that record company," Holly gave Tori a loving pat on her head to assuage her fears. "You sure there's no opportunity for Jade to work there with you?"

Tori briefly looked back toward the closed door to her bedroom before answering, "She never really considered it. She said she'd get in touch with the community theater Sikowitz worked at as soon as possible. I just really hope it works out for her."

Holly rubbed Tori's back, sensing her anxiety, "I'm curious what her mother thinks about her going straight to work instead of college. I understand what Jade said about not wanting to commit money for tuition when she doesn't quite know what she wants to do yet, but for both of your sakes, I hope she finds out soon."

"I know you're thinking of me when it comes to that, too, Mom," Tori bites her lip, putting down her coffee cup. "If it'll put your mind at ease, I can take some online classes while doing this, too. That won't be as expensive, at least, right?"

"One thing at a time, dear," Holly nodded to her, "You worked hard for this opportunity to make your own name in music, so try to put everything you can into this first. No need to overwork yourself for our sake, dear."

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