Meeting the Parents

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This is written as a follow-up to my first Victorious fanfic: One Last Time. I had originally written that story as a songfic based on two songs, "One Last Time" and "You're the Reason" and realizing the Jori ship that never was. As I wrote that story, I had more ideas to make another story not following those songs' themes, but simply exploring a post-canon storyline for Jade and Tori. I recommend reading One Last Time first for the full context of this prologue, but otherwise, I hope you enjoy this just as well!

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious or any properties mentioned in this story for entertainment purposes only.

Roughly 7 hours and 1 layover in Atlanta later, Tori and Jade finally arrived in Miami, Florida very close to midnight. Having gotten moderate amounts of sleep during the flight, the newly-formed couple quickly disembarked from the plane and gathered Tori's suitcase from the baggage claim carousel. As she steadied the large, pink suitcase to her side, Tori looked over at Jade with a slight frown of guilt; noticing she only had her black Gears of War messenger bag as "luggage" that she carried on the flight.

"Are you sure you'll be okay with just that bag for your stuff?" Tori asked her shyly, "I know we made this plan in the span of an hour, but we could have stopped by your house for some clothes at least."

Jade shrugged and looked off to the side at random passersby, "I was growing out of most of my clothes anyway. My mother and Cat are welcome to them. Besides, my dad gave me quite a bit of money after graduating, and I can find black clothes anywhere, right?" She looked back at Tori with a witty smirk.

Tori chuckled with a cute shrug, then her hand reached onto the sleeve of the pajalehoocho Jade had on since before the flight, "You know, I'm surprised you kept this on the whole time since we left. I know it's literally your only clothes right now, but you must be so hot in it..."

Her smirk growing wider, Jade pulled Tori in by her hand and leaned in close. As their noses brushed, she whispered, "Oh Tori, you should know by now that I'm hot in anything I wear. But if you mean temperature-wise, the plane actually kept me quite cold; so I'm looking forward to warming up soon, if you know what I mean..." She smiled wickedly and leaned closer, sensing Tori felt the same way.

"Oh...I think I do," Tori smiled back and tugged Jade closer for a kiss. Her hand traveled up to Jade's messy hair as their kiss deepened. They heard a few suggestive whistles and groans of disgust from people passing by, both of which they proudly let slide...until one voice sounded too familiar to ignore.

"Victoria Cassandra Vega!"

Like a snap, Tori's lips froze and her eyes shot open. The voice combined with her full name being called like many times in her childhood shot a chill down Tori's spine as she broke away from Jade and turned toward the source: her mother standing 10 feet away, arms crossed and eyes narrowed like a tiger's.

"H-hi, Mom...!" Even being discovered in bed with Jade by Trina that morning didn't compare to how terrified Tori was at that very moment. "I made it to Miami safely!"

"Oh, I can see that," Mrs. Vega nodded, shooting daggers at Tori and slowly turning to Jade, whose pale face was turning just as red and trying to look anywhere but directly at her girlfriend's mom. "I think everyone in the terminal can see that!"

Tori dashed over to her mother to explain herself, dropping her suitcase handle, which Jade swiftly caught. "Look, I wanted to explain before we left LA, but you and Dad weren't picking up, so I...figured I'd—we'd—tell you when we...arrived?"

"And what exactly is it you're going to tell me?" Mrs. Vega didn't look any bit relieved as she continued to stare at Tori's breaking composure.

"I...well...uhh...Jade" Tori stammered, feeling her face get hotter and hotter until Jade stepped in, feeling a heavy arm wrapping around her shoulder.

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