VI - Open Arms

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Y/N roamed the streets of some city, he didn't know or care which one. It wasn't Musutafu at least. He looked pretty rough, he knew that. Living on the streets isn't all it's cracked up to be, but it beat his old life. It wasn't like anyone would come looking for him, or cared that he was gone. He'd been out here for a couple weeks now, maybe more, and nobody had come. He hadn't even heard a word about a missing boy, nor had anyone recognized him from a poster or news report or something. He was fine by that though.

He had become a bit of a small-time criminal, taking wallets from drunks who staggered out of bars in the middle of the night. It kept him going, it was a steady source of income after all. He had gotten into a few fights as well. On his second night out he bumped into some guy, and he didn't think too much of that. The guy picked a fight, and Y/N fought back the best he could. But the other guy beat him up good. Since then he's mostly avoided confrontations, and watched other ones from a distance, taking note on how the victors won. There was another instance where he got into another skirmish, the other much older man underestimated the random fourteen year old he'd come across. Y/N quickly took him down with ease, and took his money. He was proud when he spent that cash, he really earned that batch.

On this particular night, he sat outside a bar in a rather seedy area of the city. The cops tended to avoid rough areas unless called, so it was better for making money. Y/N had been sitting, waiting at this bar for what felt like hours, and not a soul came or went. It did look run down, but the neon sign was still working so he assumed it was open. Eventually he got fed up and went to see what the deal was. If it was in fact abandoned then at least it would be a spot to stay for a while.

Inside sat a lone man at the bar, a glass of beer placed in front of him. It was deathly quiet, no music or anything. The man turned around, his long light blue hair swinging with the motion of his head.

"Urgh, where's Kurogiri? He's supposed to take care of unwanted guests." The man spoke through a raspy voice.

A hand covered his face, and other hands were latched onto his shoulders, scalp and arms. It was a strange set of clothes, that was for sure.

"Should put up a sign if ya don't want people around buddy." Y/N said as he approached a stool.

The hand man didn't say anything, he only watched the boy for a moment.

"You seem a little young to be hanging around bars."

"Sure, kick me out if you want."

"Hmph. No, stick around kid."

"There a bar tender here or what?"

As Y/N spoke, a man who appeared to be made of mist came into the bar from a back room, dressed in formal attire. His yellow, wispy, glowing eyes moved from Y/N to the other man.

"Tomura Shigaraki, shall I see our visitor out?" He asked.

"No, no. Get the man a drink, would you Kurogiri?"

Without a word Kurogiri grabbed a glass and filled it up with the same liquid that was in Shigaraki's.

"So boy, tell me, whats your name?" Shigaraki asked.

"Y/N." He replied, grabbing the glass and taking a small sip.

"Well Y/N, what are you doing bar hopping at your age?"

Y/N laughed a little before answering. "No one wants me around anywhere else."

"How unfortunate... And why might that be?"

"Well, I've got no family, no friends, and I'm quirkless. So I'm the last guy anyone wants around."

Shigaraki scratched his neck with one finger before speaking again. "Well Y/N, we would love to have you around."

Y/N was leant a set of new clothes from Kurogiri, allowing him to change out of his old ones which had grown dirty and ragged. He was now fitted with a nice pair of dress shoes, a F/C vest and tie, black pants as well as a white dress shirt. It was quite an upgrade, and he felt good.

"Y/N, welcome to the league of villains." Shigaraki raised his arms in a welcoming way as Y/N re-entered the bar from changed.

Y/N approached the blank TV at the end of the bar to get another look at himself through the reflection. He did look pretty good. A smirk grew across his face as he gazed upon himself. Though, something on the wall caught his attention. A poster hung above the TV, a small one showing off everyone's favorite hero in all his glory.

"Whats with this." Y/N asked as he looked up at it.

"We just moved in here, that was left by the old owners. We meant to take it down but-"

Shigaraki was cut off by the sound of paper tearing. Y/N had taken a knife and slashed down the poster, creating a large gash across the hero.

"Kurogiri, I think we made a good decision."

You Can't be a Hero [MHA x Quirkless Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now