What I think it's like dating Leo🔥

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-he's so attractive I'm so sorry.

-his love language IS physical touch and words of affirmation (I feel like this is all
demigods love language)

-he would randomly flirt with you in Spanish (and if you don't understand,
then it's even better)

-you giving him food anytime he's working because he probably won't eat otherwise

-ranting about what happened with his mother then apologizing because he feels

-double dates with Jason and Piper or Frank and Hazel

-he would LOVE Disney movies(and make fun of Hera and Hercules)

-if you guys have kids, he'd be SO family oriented omgs he'd be the best dad
(So many dad jokes... goodluck bestie)

-him being incredibly touchy any time another guy flirts with you

-non-stop dirty jokes/dirty flirting

-he has definitely accidentally burned you, then rushed you to the Apollo kids
crying and apologizing non-stop

-he'd get jealous easily but rarely show it

-he'd be obsessed with the Ford Vs Ferrari movie (it's a good movie you should
watch if you haven't already)

-girls would be all over them, and honestly him being Leo he'd unknowingly flirt back

-you getting pissed when he does

-he would do everything in his power to protect you

-random jewelry or gifts he made himself

-randomly pray to his step-mother for love advice
"hey like I know you cheated on dad and all but I kinda need help"

-he would constantly kiss your neck/jaw(in a cute way🧍🏼‍♀️)when he wants attention

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