chapter 1

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Ok lets start and uh to tell u guys i actually made a mistake on the prologue, i accidently mixed up somthing from a plan that i make for my othef fanfic.... so yeah ahahahha sorry if it will be slightly confusing in this chap. Sorry for some typos or if there is a mistake at the tenses.

Y/n arrived at her house from work a bit later than usual, due to some work she forgot.

She goes straight to her room and flop on her bed to read the recently updated chapter of Trash of The Count's Family.

The recent chapter has a lot of cale and white star scene since they are fighting each other. After finishing it she reread it again for a few time.

She had always admire and love white star and cale, she even ship them together.
(Thats me lol ahahhah)

However she admire white star more, y/n has always been the type to like villain more than hero.
(Tho cale can also be a baddie
somtimes*arson,looting,scamming,lying,destroying a whole mountain*)

She put her phone aside mumbled "i hope i can meet white star and cale".
Then she dozed off.

*chirp chirp*

"urgh so bright" Y/N woke up from her sleep and found herself in the middle of a forest.
"where am i??"

Her surrounding are unfamilliar to her.

"What the- why did i woke up in a forest?? I thought i sleep inside my room last night. Did i die?? Is this a dream".

She pinch herself "oouch!" She winced in pain. Then she realized this is not a dream.


The sound of someone walking can be heard.

Y/n stood up from her position and walk toward the source of the sound hoping there would be someone who can help her or tell her where she is.

She keep walking until she arrived and saw a man with white mask on his face and a red hair like cale.

"this cant be real right?? IT'S WHITE STAR!! GOSH HE LOOK HOT!! DID THE GOD OF DEATH TRANSFER ME HERE!? THIS IS NOT A DREAM RIGHT!!??" She was in a disbelief.

*Badum badum* her heartbeat faster due to excitment thinking that the god of death has make her wish came true and fear since white star is a heartless bastard.

White star stood still infront of an emptied lake/pond/swamp.
(Ok i dont remember ahahahahahh)

He must have come here to obtained the water ancient power(sky eating water). However he is too late since cale got it first.


Y/n accidentally step on a dry branch. She immediately hide behind the tree with her back facing white star.

She started to panic 'What should i do? What should i do? Aaaaaah why did this damn branch have to be under my feet right now out of all the time!!!! Im sure he heard it'.

Y/n was about to run away when someone grab the collar of her clothe forcefully making her unable to run away.

She turn her head only to see white star staring at her.

"Who are you?"white star asked.

Being near the white star by a few cm, y/n can't help but to simpp more!!
And the fear that she felt a few minute ago dissapear like it never occur.

'OH MY GOD!!! his voice are so hot aaaaah!! How can a villain be so hot. If i got closer i might melt like an ice before his sword penetrate me. He is tall too!! His body must look nice and well built since he probably train. Ah! The way he look down on me just make him sexier. ' she was staring straight at white star qhile her mind was a mess.
(The sword is the sword of disaster, dont think of other sword!! But i wonder how big is his *sword~* ahahahah😂)

"You're so hot~" she blurted out while still stuck in her wonderland.

"What the-" white star were baffled.

She was snap out of her thought when white star suddenly move his hand from her collar to her neck and chock her.
(Oooh kinky and i almost make the *neck* become *nake*.)

"I said who are you!?" He asked again.

Y/n tapped on white star arm "i- i cant talk i-if y-you chok m-me".

White star release her and point his sword to her neck.
(I would let him chock me to death or even make his hand as a collar🙄)

*huff huff huff* y/n fall to her knee desperately trying to catch her breath.

She look up to white star"my name is y/n".

"Why are you here?" He asked still pointing his sword at her neck.

"I-i woke up and found myself lying in this forest then i heard the sound of someone walking the i saw you!!"she answered him.

"Hmmm i dont care what reason you have i will just kill you".

White star was about to swing his sword toward her neck when she shouted "ANYTHING!! i will do anything, i will be your maid or whatever so please dont kill me!!".

See you later~
Look forward for the next chapter ahahah and look forward to what will happen to you.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Cause im busy thinking about my future.😆😆

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