4. Sure seems like we're becoming friends

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Everything was still in Dusttale.

That was to be expected, after all, everyone was dead, and the one responsible was currently in the Omega Timeline, awaiting orders.

Suddenly, however, the Ruins were filled with voices. Two monsters had materialized from a glitchy portal, right over a golden flower bed.

"Wowza! What AU is this?" a blue clad skeleton asked, with (literally) starry eyes.
"𝓓σŇ't 𝕂ŇσⓌ, 𝓭σŇ't 𝓬AяE. ι נ𝕌şt p𝐢𝓬𝕂E𝓭 t𝓱E ⓕ𝐢яşt E爪pt𝕪 σŇE ι ⓕσ𝕌Ň𝓭, şσ ⓌE 𝓬AŇ tяAѶE𝔩 ⓕAşt AŇ𝓭 Ňσt Ⓦσяя𝕪 Aᵇσ𝕌t AŇ𝕪σŇE E𝔩şE 𝐢Ň σ𝕌я ⓌA𝕪.(Don't know, don't care. I just picked the first empty one I found, so we can travel faster and not worry about anyone else in our way.)" responded his companion, a black boned glitch. He started walking quickly.
"Oh man, it's my first time in another AU, I wanted it to be more exciting!" the blue skeleton ran to catch up to him.
"ภEE𝓭 ι яE爪𝐢Ň𝓭 𝕪σ𝕌 t𝓱At t𝓱𝐢ş 𝐢ş Ňσt A ⓕ𝕌Ň tя𝐢p? үσ𝕌 𝓱AѶE A נσᵇ tσ 𝓭σ #11, AŇ𝓭 t𝓱At נσᵇ 𝐢ş tσ ᵇя𝐢ŇG 爪E tσ t𝓱E ᗝ爪EGA t𝐢爪E𝔩𝐢ŇE. ภσt𝓱𝐢ŇG 爪σяE.(Need I remind you that this is not a fun trip? You have a job to do #11, and that job is bring me to the Omega Timeline. Nothing more.)" If only teleporting didn't have such a short range, he'd just wrap #11 in his strings, teleport to the Barrier and be done with this whole thing.

The blue skeleton put his left hand on his hip and turned to the other, while they both kept walking. "Well mister, that's not a good attitude to have. I'll have you know, everything can become an adventure with the right framing! Imagine" he swiped his right hand in the air "Two brave souls traveling in an unfamiliar world, to stop an heartless tyrant and save the Multiverse! Mwehehe! That does sound exciting, doesn't it- wait, did you call me Number Eleven?"

"t𝓱At'ş Ⓦ𝓱At 𝕪σ𝕌 AяE(That's what you are)" the other answered "aᵇσ爪𝐢ŇAt𝐢σŇ #11.̶̣̿(Abomination #11)"
The blue skeleton paused a bit and then said: "You know, I just realized we never introduced ourselves! I'm the Magnificent Sans! What's your name?"
"You can also call me Blueberry, or Blue for short. That's my Multiverse nickname, I use it so people don't confuse me with other Sanses!".

The black boned skeleton glared at Blueberry and grumbled: "ι'爪 乇яяσя.(I'm Error.)" He looked at the other, expecting a reaction. Blue simply smiled and said: "Cool name!"

The two walked in silence for a bit. Error noticed a lot of dust laying around, and realized where they were.

"Sooooo..." #11 simply didn't know when to shut up. "you're the Destroyer."
"You... destroy AUs."
"ιt'ş 𝕂𝐢Ň𝓭A t𝓱E Ⓦ𝓱σ𝔩E pσ𝐢Ňt σⓕ t𝓱E נσᵇ.(It0s kinda the whole point of the job)"
"Right right. Why do you do it, though?"
"𝕎𝓱𝕪?(Why?)" Error turned toward the other. #11 seemed genuinely curios, so he decided to humor him.
"ᗷE𝓬A𝕌şE A𝔩𝔩 σⓕ 𝕪σ𝕌я pяE𝓬𝐢σ𝕌ş a𝓾ş AяE נ𝕌şt G𝔩𝐢t𝓬𝓱Eş 𝐢Ň t𝓱E ş𝕪ştE爪, ⓕяEA𝕂 A𝓬𝓬𝐢𝓭EŇtş t𝓱At ş𝓱σ𝕌𝔩𝓭Ň't E𝐗𝐢şt. t𝓱E𝕪 𝕂EEp şpAⓌŇ𝐢ŇG AŇ𝓭 爪𝕌𝔩t𝐢p𝔩𝕪𝐢ŇG AŇ𝓭 tA𝕂𝐢ŇG 𝕌p şpA𝓬E 𝐢Ň t𝓱E 𝓂𝕌𝔩t𝐢ѶEяşE. үσ𝕌 яEA𝔩𝔩𝕪 t𝓱𝐢Ň𝕂 t𝓱At t𝓱At şpA𝓬E 𝐢ş 𝐢Ňⓕ𝐢Ň𝐢tE? ιt 𝐢şŇ't, AŇ𝓭 şσσŇEя σя 𝔩AtEя A𝔩𝔩 σⓕ σ𝕌я яEA𝔩𝐢t𝕪 Ⓦ𝐢𝔩𝔩 𝓬σ𝔩𝔩ApşE. ι 𝓭E𝓬𝐢𝓭E𝓭 tσ tA𝕂E A𝓬t𝐢σŇ. ιt'ş A t𝓱AŇ𝕂𝔩Eşş נσᵇ, ᵇ𝕌t şσ爪EσŇE 𝓱Aş tσ 𝓭σ 𝐢t.(Because all of your precious AUs are just glitches in the system, freak accidents that shouldn't exist. They keep spawning and multiplying and taking up space in the Multiverse. You really think that that space is infinite? It isn't, and sooner or later all of our current reality will collapse. I decided to take action. It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it.)"
"Does that mean that you do it because you have to? That you don't like it?" #11 sounded so hopeful, thinking he was some misunderstood soul. Error took great pleasure in proving him wrong.
"ιt'ş 爪𝕪 נσᵇ, ᵇ𝕌t 𝕪σ𝕌 𝕂ŇσⓌ Ⓦ𝓱At t𝓱E𝕪 şA𝕪: 𝓭σ Ⓦ𝓱At 𝕪σ𝕌 ℓ.ᗝ.𝐯.乇, AŇ𝓭 𝕪σ𝕌'𝔩𝔩 ŇEѶEя Ⓦσя𝕂 A 𝓭A𝕪 𝐢Ň 𝕪σ𝕌я 𝔩𝐢ⓕE.(It's my job, but you know what they say: do what you L.O.V.E., and you'll never work a day in your life.)" He then gave the abomination a smile full of teeth, like that of a shark.
#11 look freaked out, but he was stubborn.
"The Antivoid is your home."
Subtle change of subject.
"үEş.(Yes.)" he answered curtly.
"It's nice, very spacey!"
"ι G𝕌Eşş.(I guess)"
"Were you born there?"
"ι 𝓭σŇ't 𝕂ŇσⓌ.(I don't know)" He didn't like where the conversation was going.
"What does that m-"
"รtσp Aş𝕂𝐢ŇG Aᵇσ𝕌t t𝓱At.(Stop asking about that)"

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