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it was currently the 19th of December, and you woke up beside Chongyun, resting peacefully in his sleeping state.

A tiny bit of sunlight was shining through the blinds.

You and Chongyun were facing each other, and you quickly got up as you got an idea - make him breakfast.

You carefully walked out of his room, down the stairs and stepped into the kitchen. His mom wasn't home, since she was preparing for Christmas.

''Aha, I got this!'', You exclaimed as you stretched.

You basically knew where everything in his kitchen was, since you guys have and had sleepovers alllll the time.

As you placed the frying pan on the oven, you went to the fridge and got an egg and some bacon.


You spread the butter around the pan, and cracked the egg - but the whole shell fell in.

''oh shi-''

The egg shells were all over the egg as it fried quickly.

''Oh no oh no oh no HUAWWEEE''

You quickly grabbed some chopsticks to pick the egg shells out; but the egg was already burnt on the side, and it had egg shells in it.

''Are you.. serious?'', you said with a mad expression, holding the chopsticks.


You got another egg, after putting the last one in the trash. this time it was successful, and the bacon was also done.

You put it nicely on the plate with some fruit on the side, along with some tea.

You walked up the stairs with the tray with food, and carefully walked into Chongyuns room.

''Chooonggyuuunn.. wake uuuuup''

Chongyuun pulled his blanket over his head.

He replied; ''hmmmh..''

''Oh, hello Y/n, I see you made yourself food''

You smiled awkwardly as you looked down on the food - "no, this is actually uh.. for you.."

"It smells so delicious! thank youu!"

He quickly got up and sat down on the bed, taking the food.

"Shouldn't you also have some food?" he said after chewing some of the food.

"Eh, i'll pass. I'm not really hungry right now."

You and Chongyun were going shopping today, and everything on your mind was basically what to get Chongyun.

"Make sure you eat later though, but anyway weren't we going shopping today?"

"Yes we are, after you finish your food i guess" you replied.

"I'll go get ready while you eat!", you said as you went down the stairs and to the bathroom.


Chongyun's mind ~

never knew Y/n was such a good cook, the food was delicious! for some reason it smells burnt downstairs though..

anyway, i have to think of a gift for her.

what does she like..? snacks? clothes?

oh, i know.

I'll get her..


Chongyun had already planned a christmas gift, as you were downstairs putting on clothes.

𝒲𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 - 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚢𝚞𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now