Chapter Six

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The first thing that Sidon noticed when walking up the hallway was that the door to the Oracle's room was ajar, light seeping through and spreading itself along the tile floor. He heard rustling within their room, as well as some murmured curses and flurried movement. He saw a flash of white through the crack in the entryway as they hopped past. At least they were decent, Sidon figured, knocking on the door lightly before opening it and peeking his head through.

Papers and books were strewn across the room, some littering the floor but most congregating across their bed and desk. They had a novel in hand that they were furiously skimming through, worrying their bottom lip between their teeth as they took in as much information from the pages they could. Their shoulders were hiked up and tense, face knotted into an anxious expression. The Zora prince sighed and stepped in, slowly closing the door behind him.

The Oracle jumped, spinning towards Sidon and dropping the book from their grip. They stammered and mumbled something quick before ducking to collect the papers and other objects by their feet.

"Sorry it's such a mess, I've been trying to-"

"No need to apologize, my dear," Sidon held up a hand to stop their rambling, trying not to let his eyes linger on the pink flush that coated their cheeks. "You must be stressed, I wouldn't blame you for getting caught up in some last-minute research."

"...Thank you." They breathed, bringing a hand to rub at their collarbone. Their gaze caught on the armor beneath his arm and pointing to it. "Is that for me?"

"Ah, yes!" Sidon took the helm and breastplate from his hold and pushed it towards the Oracle. "We leave within the hour, and I wanted to make sure you had proper equipment." They took it with a nod, running a thumb over the shining metal and looking into their reflection upon it. They seemed hesitant, and Sidon cocked his head.

"What's wrong? Is it too big for your size?"

"Oh, no!" They looked up to Sidon and shook their head, a small smile spreading across their face. They almost seemed... embarrassed? "It's just, I've- I've never really worn armor before? I'm not sure how it should fit or go on me. I'm sorry to cause such a fuss over it."

Oh, Sidon thought, nodding his head subconsciously. That would make sense, now that I think about it. They're probably kept far from any sort of battle.

"Well, that's no issue!" The prince grinned confidently, stepping closer to his friend clad in white. "I'll help you into it, that way you won't have to worry!"

They took a step back on instinct, the pink color from before spreading into a soft rose. "Are- are you sure? That wouldn't be awkward for you?" They asked, voice quiet and meek. Sidon rested a hand on their cheek, his fingers carding through their hair and his thumb tracing along with the apple of their cheek. He placed himself onto his knees, now almost at an even eye contact with the Oracle. Hylians were all so small, he noticed. Small and hopelessly fragile, but all so willing to throw themselves into danger for the greater good.

"Of course not," He murmured, softer now with the lessened distance. "It would be an honor."

"Well, if you're sure." They bit their lip again, nodding subtly. They put their arms up slightly, a look of confusion washing over them. "What should- where do I...?" Sidon chuckled inwardly at the display, and took his hand from their face to retrieve their armor.

"Keep your arms up like that, even with your shoulders. I'll fasten this first." Sidon pressed the front half of the breastplate to their chest and felt the sudden gasp that escaped them beneath his fingers. He began working at the clasps and leather strips along their ribs and brought one over their deltoid, where the shoulder guard soon laid. He got to work along the other side, smoothing their shirt beneath the metal and animal skin. Their breath stuttered again and Sidon looked up to see the Oracle taking great interest in the ceiling. He wondered if his touch was too much, or even unwanted, but he saw the tips of their ears turning crimson and grinned.

"You know," he began, pulling the clasp through a punched hole in the leather. "The only Hylians I've ever had long conversations with other than you have been Link and Queen Zelda." He moved higher up, taking his time with this buckle and watching the way their chest heaved with greedy breaths. "They were both at least somewhat accustomed to touch, but you seem rather unused to it. May I ask why?"

"I-" The Oracle stammered at the question, at the sudden softness in his voice. The rumble deep in his chest that made their stomach do somersaults. "Well, during my tr-training, I had to detach from- I had to learn to ground myself. I've never really been this close to- to anyone." Sidon looked up at the Oracle, almost shocked by their answer.

"Well, I'm very sorry. We had very different upbringings, Your Grace." Sidon chirped, fastening the last buckle in their armor. He stayed lowered to the ground as they rolled their eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

" Please don't call me that. It's bad enough all your citizens do, they treat me like the Queen and I hate it."

Sidon barked out a laugh, tipping his crest toward the ceiling. "Why do you despise it so? You and Link both seem to wilt away from any sort of attention." He shot them a wayward grin. "I know I certainly like it, though maybe I'm more desensitized- it's all I've ever known."

"That's true," The Oracle mumbled, looking down to their chest and placing a hand on top of the metal. "I guess this isn't too bad. Thank you for your help, Sidon."

"Anytime. Just call my name, and I'll be at your side." He hooked his index finger beneath their chin and lifted their gaze, watching the red hue return. "And I mean that, with utmost sincerity." Sidon could have sworn he felt the Oracle lean into his touch, eyes fluttering shut as they did so. Their gaze flicked back up to him as they struggled to find words, lips parting aimlessly.

"Sidon, I think I-"

A thudding at their door caused the Oracle to jump back from Sidon's hold, to which he let out a long sigh. Great Hylia, what was it now?

"Your Grace, Prince Sidon?" The Zora Prince recognized the voice of Moven, and felt his scales prickle at the way the Oracle's eyes seemed to light up. "Link is requesting your presence at the bay. He seemed in a hurry."

"One moment!" The Oracle shouted back, leaving to gather a few books and potion bottles to stuff into their satchel bag before prying open the comparatively large door. Sidon stood and followed close behind, brow furrowed with confusion.

What were they going to say?

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