Chapter Four

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It had been a few hours since the dive down into East Reservoir Lake. Most of the night had passed in a blur, your mind becoming foggy as exhaustion covered you like a blanket. At one point you were tripping over your own feet so much that you had to be carried to the medic bay, but you don't remember by who. Your arm had been treated and wrapped, the only concerning lacerations closer to your hand and wrist. The medic had taken more time to treat you than earlier in the day, most likely sensing your uneasiness after being there twice in one day. You were escorted back to your room in the castle (you didn't even know you would have a room, let alone one as lavish as this) and were left alone for the remainder of the evening. Link had said he would be with Sidon if you needed him and left you to your own devices.

You hadn't spoken much with him since you were at the lake. You had felt his hands tremble against your skin as he held you but other than that he showed no fear to you. You knew better than that, however. In the back of your mind, you had felt paralyzing anxiety growing within the champion, but you had been too worn to address it, let alone soothe his mind. You regretted that now, wondering what else you could have been able to do to help your friend.

You paced around your quarters, the sun long since set along the coast out of your window. The rest you had relished in before seemed to spur energy back into your bones as you walked back and forth across the floors. Your arm ached as you squeezed both around your waist, trying to ground yourself in your thoughts. You thought back into your time within Vah Ruta trying to remember as much as you could.

The sudden intense feeling of desperation had crawled across your sternum as you swam through the sunken beast. Something had guided you to a far terminal within, and something even stronger told you to look inside. The urgency was gentle and familiar ( Mipha, you had thought as she guided your hand) but paranoid all the same. You had felt a burning like fire across your skin despite how cold it was in the water, and had visions of the Gerudo king as you pulled yourself away.

You winced as you remembered the way the malice had tried to pull you back, tried to tear you apart. Your arm throbbed as you recalled the way it prodded at your wounds, an evil curiosity towards a Hylian body. Your skin burned hotter as it did, and you knew you had to leave that instant. You thanked Hylia that Sidon had agreed to accompany you, your life had been in his hands and he carried it with such care.

The skin of your cheeks grew a soft pink as you recalled the way his arms felt around you. Both forearms had completely encompassed your stomach and one of his hands easily cupped your head in place. You knew the Zora were larger than Hylians, but he was so much more than you had imagined. He certainly had the potential to tear you apart, as if you were nothing more than a simple Chuchu, but he handled you so gently. You weren't accustomed to touch, the most you had ever experienced were holding citizens' hands as they asked for your guidance in their life and the brief, fleeting moments you had shared with Link. A simple brush of a hand was enough to right you in place and a flush to grow on your cheek. And when Sidon touched you, it felt like he was everywhere at once.

You shook your head, trying to clear your head of these daydreams. You shouldn't be thinking of him in such a... passionate way when you were visiting accompanied by such terrible news for his domain. He was so bright and so caring, so devoted to his people and home. You admired this about him, but you were also worried that if the future were to play out the way you foresaw, it would ruin every ounce of optimism within the prince. And you had a sinking feeling that the future might come faster than you could prevent it.

No, you decided firmly. You wouldn't let that happen. You grabbed your boots by the door and slipped them onto your feet, lacing them with shaking hands. You had to get back to the lake- then maybe you could connect with Mipha. It was a long shot, seeing as she was tethered to the beast far beneath the surface of the water, but you had to try. The Zora Domain might depend on it.

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