16. Leap of Faith

Start from the beginning

"Mind if I join you?"  he asked.

Alyssa shrugged and he took that as permission.   He sunk to the sand next to her. Reaching out, he took her hand in his and began to trace patterns on her palm with his thumb.  

"I'm sorry Alyssa.  I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.  I was being overbearing.  I just want to help you.  I'm so scared he's going to hurt you.  I just want to keep you safe."

"I'm sorry I swore at you. I'm sorry if I seem ungrateful, I know you mean well. I just don't want to be reliant on anyone again.  I depended on Dean for everything,  and now finally I'm my own person.  I don't want to lose my independence."

"You don't have to. I'm not him. You'll still have your own life.  I just want to be able to know you're safe.  If you don't want to live with me then maybe with Sienna and the girls?  I get you may not want to live with a man."

"Seb, please don't ever think that.  I trust you with my life.  It's not you.  Please tell me you don't think it's you."

"Not me, just men in general," he replied, his anger towards Dean boiling up again.

Alyssa  turned her head to look at him. She put her free hand on his cheek and turned his face so he was looking at her. 

"Never you.  I know we've only been back in each other's lives for a short while but you make me feel safe.  You make me feel better about myself.  You're one of my best friends in the whole world Sebastian Vettel.  I just...I'm scared Seb.   I'm so scared that I'm going to spend the rest of my life running from my past."

"Trust me Alyssa. The best way to stop running is to embrace your future.  Come back with me Aly.  Come back to your family.  Take a leap of faith.  I promise you, you will never regret it."

They continued staring into each other's eyes, still holding hands.

Alyssa didn't know where she got the courage from but she leant forward and pressed her lips gently to his.   She pulled back almost instantly. 

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me.  I'd do anything for you, you know that right?"

Seb had to restrain himself.  She'd surprised the hell out of him with her kiss.  He wanted to kiss her properly but he knew now wasn't the right time.  He didn't want to lose all the trust she'd given him.  His lips burned, the feel of her's imprinted on them. 

"Ok," she said

"Ok?" Seb repeated, unsure what she was agreeing to.

"Ok.  I'll come with you, but on my terms."

"Name them."

"You keep a list of what I owe you and I will pay you back.  I will look for a job as soon as I get there.  Next, I don't want you putting your life on hold because of me.  I'm capable of looking after myself.  I'd like to meet Sienna and Joel but I would just like a few days to settle in first.  And promise me Cherry will be ok, I really don't want her to lose the flat."

"You got it.  I promise Cherry will be fine.  And I don't have much of a life outside racing so that's ok."

"What about your...friend with benefits?"

"Tanya? That's just on race weekends.  The few times it's happened outside work I've gone to hers.  She's never been to mine."

"So she won't mind you shacking up with another woman?" Alyssa laughed.

"It's none of her business. Plus you're family."

Alyssa felt a lump in her throat. How was that for reminding her of her place? She'd begun to think he did like her in that way, but now he'd made it clear. She was still Alyssa,  Sienna's little sister.

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