Then the security picked up the phone 'Hello, Mr Kim......'

I rushed over and pressed his phone. This really hopeless, too shameful, resolute cannot let Joy and Taehyung know.

That security guard hint to the guard beside me to hold me 'Mr Kim? Sorry to bother you so late. A moment ago we arrested a person who wanted to jab your tire at the middle of the night, please come down and see if the car is damaged. Yes, it's a young woman.'

For a moment, Taehyung came to the security room, looked at the security record and asked 'Did she really jab?

'Oh, she did not jab. When she came downstairs, we kept watching her through the surveillance camera. We stopped her when she pulled out the knife, but we still feel there is a need to inform you.'

Taehyung holds the paring knife and roughly measure it, endure a smile and asked 'Is this the knife? Let her go, it is probably a misunderstanding. We are just kidding and have fun.'

'It is not a misunderstanding, I deliberately do it.' I suddenly interrupted.

'Eh? Just now we asked you for quite a while and you don't admit it. ' The security guard looked at me in surprise.

'No, I did it on purpose. My heart is dark, I am cynical, I hate the society and looking for revenge.' I angrily said.

'She is just being upset, just hand her over to me.' Taehyung told the security guard.

On the journey sending me home, Taehyung restrain from laughing and said 'Jab tires? Lalisa Manoban, you are really good.'

'Where got! Is me who are extremely useless, I should not jab the tires, I should jab you.' I said blankly.

After a long silence, finally Taehyung gently said 'Actually, we...... didn't do anything.'

'Didn't do anything! Didn't do anything!!! Didn't do anything, then why do you asked me to deliver things at 12 midnight? You might as well do something. Do something still not in vain, I still hold the accusation of catching adultery!'

Taehyung winked and looked at me with astonishment 'Even if I did something, in what titular for you to come over to catch adultery?'

'I........' I just jab myself to death, I think.

About to reach home, Taehyung told me 'Decline all my arrangements for the day after tomorrow evening and follow me......'

'I resigned! No more overtime and no more attendant services!'

He looked at me a little dumbfounded 'Join me for a cocktail party, the dress will be delivered to you tomorrow. Considered it as....... I apologized to you.'

Okay, I admit it, in my bones I'm still a little vain and a little mercenary. Wearing Taehyung send high-heeled shoes, the little dress and going party with him..... make me feel good. The long-time hatred for him has vanished and I volunteered to be his kiss up attendant.

When I reached to the scene, I realized it wasn't an ordinary cocktail party, because AC is also one of the shareholders, as a result President Taehyung received the key invitation. Taehyung drive a business car, speed all the way to the celebration entrance, the doorman opened the door with courtesy.

'Stay on the car, don't move.' I just wanted to get off then hear Taehyung roar.

'Oh.' So I sat back, the doorman with big eyes stare small eyes, sudden I recall this pair of high-heeled shoes do have straps, and I haven't adjusted it yet, so without delay I bend over and fiddle with the strips.

BBDN taelice Adaptation (taehyungxLisa)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora