Chapter 12: December

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"Merry Christmas!" Nat and Wanda yell as they walk into your room. Fully dressed in their dresses.

"No." You say back.

"What's wrong y/n? You love Christmas." Nat says.

"Bucky's winning the bet and the bet is almost over." You say.

"Babe I'm sorry, but sometimes these things just happen." Nat says.

"Failure sucks. I don't like it." You say.

"I'm sorry y/n. We know how much you wanted to win." Wanda says.

"I'm not looking forward to going out with Bucky." You say.

"We don't believe that, but tell yourself whatever you want to feel better." Nat says.

"I don't care if you guys don't believe me. It's the truth." You say.

"Okay." Wanda says in a high pitched voice. You roll your eyes.

"Just get out of my room. Let me wallow alone." You say dramatically.

Wanda and Nat side glance at each other before dragging you out of your bed. "Noooooo!" You yell.

"Come on y/n. It won't be too bad. We have the Christmas party in like thirty minutes. You're not even dressed." Nat says.

"You're gonna talk to Bruce." You point at Natasha. Then at Wanda. "You'll leave me for Vision. What happened to hoes before bros?" You ask.

Wanda and Nat look at each other. "Fine we'll leave you all by yourself." They say and start walking away.

"Thank you." You say.

A few minutes later, they walk back in with Bucky. "What? Why?" You ask.

"Bucky's gonna help us get you dressed. Bucky, undress her." Wanda says.

"Uh... no thanks." Bucky blushes.

"Come on Barnes. Be a man and take her clothes off." Nat says.

"No Natasha. I'm not gonna take her clothes off like some pervert." Bucky says.

"Ugh fine. Just hold this." Nat give Bucky your outfit.

Wanda and Nat pick you up and set you down on your chair. The take your pajama shirt off. Bucky looks away as he turns a deep shade of red.

They take your pants off next. Leaving you just in a bra in underwear. Bucky's basically turned around now. His face a deep shade of crimson.

"Barnes hand me her outfit." Natasha says. Bucky tosses the outfit your way without looking.

"Can I go now?" He asks.

"No." Nat and Wanda say in unison.

They start to dress you. Once they finish, you try standing up, but they push you back down. "Not so fast." Nat say.

"I'll go get makeup." Wanda says as she walks into your bathroom.

"You can turn around now. I promise she's dressed." Nat says to Bucky.

Bucky turns around. "Wow. You look beautiful." He says.

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You can choose your favorite :)

You frown and look at yourself in the mirror. "I hate myself." You mumble.

Natasha side eyes Bucky before walking into the bathroom to find Wanda. Bucky walks over to you. "Don't hate yourself dolly." He says.

"Too late." You say. Bucky puts his right hand on the small of your back. "Can I tell you a secret?" You ask.

Bucky nods. "Of course."

"You can't tell anyone." You say. Bucky nods. "Last week I went to the doctors office. You already knew that. But I found out that my mental health is actual shit right now." You whisper.

"What do you mean?" Bucky whispers back.

"Bucky I've been diagnosed with Major Depression." You whisper.

"Oh." Bucky says. You frown and shrug your shoulders. Bucky spins you around and cups the sides of your face with his hands. "I'm here if you need anything, okay doll?" He asks. You nod.

"C'mere." Bucky says as he hugs you. You rest your hands on his chest as he softly rubs your back.

The sound of someone clearing their throat causing you two to break apart. "Sorry to break up the party, but we need to do your makeup." Nat says. "Bucky you can go now."

"Okay. I'll see you guys down there." Bucky says. He kisses your cheek before leaving.

A small blush creeps up your cheeks. "Sit your love sick ass down." Nat says.


Just like you thought, Wanda left to hang out with Vision. Natasha went to talk to Bruce. You're currently sitting at the bar with a strong drink.

"Hi good lookin'." A man says as he stands next to you and hands you a red wine. Although the color is very off. "Brought ya a drink." He says.

"No thanks. I'm still working on this one." You say.

"That's empty." The man says as he points to the glass.

"There's still ice, is there not?" You ask.

"No there is." He says.

"Then back off bitch." You say.

"Okay. Why don't we leave this man alone?" Bucky asks as he walks up to you.

"He's trying to drug me." You say. Bucky looks at the wine and takes a sip of it. "Damn super soldiers." You say.

"It does task a bit off. What did you do to it?" Bucky asks the dude.

"Nothing." He says as he stands up and walks away.

"You okay doll?" Bucky asks.

"I really wanna eat a box of Oreos and cry while watching "The Grinch"." You say.

Bucky nods, "Well let's go grant your Christmas wish. Come on. I saw a box of Oreos in the kitchen."

He takes your hand and the two of you leave the party.

A/n: hehe. I wrote this while listening to Christmas music.

Also! Never accept a drink from a stranger endless the bartenders ands it to you or you see the bartender pour it, hand it to the person, and see the person walk directly towards you. Also, when at a bar, always go to the bathroom with a friend. Stay safe babes. Love you all <3

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